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中国现当代散文英译 : 以 “空房”ˎ “荷塘月色”和“路畔的蔷薇”为例
更新日期:2021-02-26     来源:外语教育研究前沿(原:中国外语教育)   作者:Avram Sofia  浏览次数:182
核心提示:最新的研究成果,本论文的主要观点为Modern and Contemporary Chinese Prose in Translation: A Case-Study on The Empty Room, The Lotus Pond by Ni

最新的研究成果,本论文的主要观点为Modern and Contemporary Chinese Prose in Translation: A Case-Study on “The Empty Room,” “The Lotus Pond by Night,” “Roses by the Roadside” Key Words: personification, metaphor, semantic scope, parallelism, topicalization Abstract: The purpose of this paper is that of drawing a comparison between various versions of the translation from Chinese into English of the prose pieces “An Empty Room,” by Toming Jun Liu “Lotus Pond by Night,” bu Zhu Ziqing, and “Roses on the Sidewalk,” by Guo Moruo, versions belonging to the author himself, for the case of first prose piece; to Zhu Chunshen, Yang Xianyi, Wang Jiaosheng, and Li Ming, for the second; and Zhang Qiangji, for the third, to which I have added my own version。 The main perspectives from which I analyzed and compared these versions draw on the semantic scope, with a focus on sematic fields in co-occurrence, as well as personification and metaphor equivalence in translation; and on essential traits of the grammar systems of the two languages and the impact they exert upon the literary effect of the translated text。不知是否符合录用要求,望您批评与指正。