更新日期:2021-05-07     浏览次数:202

加快发展自主可控的工业软件,是我国石化行业实现高质量发展的当务之急,而摸清现状、找准短板是精准施策的前提。本文在对比分析几种主流智能制造参考模型的基础上,提出了石油化工行业“产品链、资产链、价值链”三链视图模型,进而将石油化工工业软件分为五大类,即研发设计类、生产管控类、石油供应链管理类、资产管理类和经营管理类,绘制了石化工业软件全景图谱和分类图谱;从功能、技术、商业三个维度设计了软件成熟度评估指标,通过对三大国营石化公司(中国石化、中国石油、中国海油)、部分大型民营企业、六十余家软件供应商调研,研究分析了自主石化工业软件的市场和成熟度情况,编制了自主软件成熟度图谱和供应商图谱,厘清了短板软件清单,形成对我国石油化工工业软件体系化的认识,为相关产业发展政策制定提供决策依据。Speeding up the development of independent and controllable industrial software is an urgent task for China's petrochemical industry to achieve high-quality development,and finding out the shortcomings is the premise of accurate policy implementation.based on the comparative analysis of several mainstream intelligent manufacturing reference models,this paper puts forward a three-chain model for petrochemical industry in terms of product chain,asset chain and value chain.The paper divides petrochemical industrial software into five categories:process engineering and design,manufacturing execution and control,petroleum supply chain,asset management,operation management,then draws the panoramic map and classification map of petrochemical industry software.The software maturity evaluation index is designed based on three aspects of function,technology and business.Then through the investigation of the three state-owned petrochemical group enterprises,some large private petrochemical enterprises and more than 60 independent software suppliers,the paper evaluates the market share and maturity of domestic petrochemical software,compiles independent software maturity map and suppliers map,forms a systematic understanding of petrochemical industrial software,and provides decision-making basis for the high-quality development of domestic petrochemical industrial software.
作者王子宗 王基铭 高立兵WANG Zizong;WANG Jiming;GAO Libing(China Petrochemical Corporation,Beijing 100728,China;Chinese Academy of Engineering,Beijing 100088,China;Petro-Cyber Works Information Technology Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100020,China)
机构地区中国石油化工集团有限公司 中国工程院 石化盈科信息技术有限责任公司
出处《化工进展》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心  2021年第4期1827-1836,共10页Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress
基金中国工程院咨询项目(2021-XZ-13) 中国石油化工集团有限公司项目(E19001)。
关键词石油化工 参考模型 工业软件 软件成熟度petrochemical industry reference model industrial software software maturity
分类号TE6 [石油与天然气工程—油气加工工程]