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更新日期:2021-05-07     浏览次数:155

In the Qing Dynasty,popular literary works with Yan Song as the main or minor character emerged endlessly.Among them,three books including Yi Peng Xue,Lv Ye Xian Zong,Hai Gong Da Hong Pao Quan Zhuan were most influential.These works concerning Yan Song reflect the authors’intention and writing tendency from the late Ming and early Qing dynasties to the middle and late Qing Dynasty:in Ming Feng Ji and Yi Peng Xue,the content of the books gradually became less about Yan’s political affairs and more about his anecdotes.And Lv Ye Xian Zong simply made up other things in Yan Song’s name;Hai Gong Da Hong Pao Quan Zhuan only borrowed Yan Song’s treacherous official name to depict the fall of the official He Shen.In this process,Yan Song was popularized and contextualized at the same time.The first reason is that the story required a background of the treacherous official;another is that the plot required a turbid background;and the last is that these works had to reflect the political background at the time.All of these constitute the description and demand of"treachery"and"evil"in opposite to"loyalty"and"goodness"in the texts.
作者张丹ZHANG Dan(School of Liberal Arts,Lanzhou University,Lanzhou,Gansu 730000)
出处《玉林师范学院学报》  2020年第5期27-32,共6页Journal of Yulin Normal University
关键词严嵩 清代书写 背景化Yan Song writings in Qing Dynasty contextualized writing
分类号I206.2 [文学—中国文学]  K249 [历史地理—中国史]