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从事实探学理 以明辨求真知——谢桃坊先生访谈录
更新日期:2021-05-07     浏览次数:157

谢桃坊先生是著名词学家,他长期致力于词学研究与词体规范的建构,出版大量词学著作,主要研究方向为词学、宋诗、敦煌学、市民文学、客家学、国学、蜀学等。谢先生一生勤勉,至今笔耕不辍,不管是求学求知还是从事研究,他都努力专研,获得学术界广泛认可。本文以笔谈的形式,从谢桃坊先生的求知路、宋词研究、学术信念、学术理想、治学经验等角度入手,展现谢桃坊先生的学术人生,了解其"从事实探学理,以明辨求真知"的学术理念。Mr.Xie Taofang is a well-known scholar of Song Ci.He has long devoted himself to study of Song Ciand construction of Song Ci styles,with a large number of publications in this field.His main research directions in-clude Song Ci studies,Song poetry,Dunhuang studies,citizen literature,Kejia ethnic group studies,Sichuan cul-tures,etc.Mr.Xie has been so diligent throughout his life,working hard at seeking knowledge or doing scientific re-searches,that he is widely recognized by the academic community.This record of interview starts from Mr.Xie’sperspectives of the path to knowledge,Song Ci research,academic beliefs and ideals,learning experience,etc.toshow his academic life in all aspects,and attempt to understand his academic philosophy of"Academic Theoryfrom facts and Gnosis from discernment".
作者周英子 谢桃坊ZHOU Ying-zi;XIE Tao-fang(Institute of literature and arts,Sichuan Academy of Social Science,Chengdu,Sichuan 610071)
出处《玉林师范学院学报》  2020年第5期1-10,共10页Journal of Yulin Normal University
关键词谢桃坊 词学 学术 信念Xie Taofang Song Ci studies academic beliefs
分类号I207.23 [文学—中国文学]  K825.6 [历史地理—历史学]