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更新日期:2021-05-07     浏览次数:183

党带领中国人民用了35年时间赢得新民主主义革命和社会主义革命两大胜利,使濒临危亡的中华民族一跃成为一个社会主义东方大国,经历的艰辛难以言喻。党之所以能取得如此丰功,一个重要根源在于掌握了矛盾斗争的方法论。以毛泽东同志为杰出代表的共产党人在实践中创建了一套汲经验教训之精华、为成功实践所证明、对事业发展稳方向的主要矛盾理论,为党在不同时期判明社会主要矛盾、确定中心任务、制定方针策略、引导革命取得胜利提供了科学指南,是中国革命从胜利走向胜利的行动指针,至今仍闪耀着真理光芒。文章旨在梳理党在这一时期社会主要矛盾理论创新成果及一些未言明但客观存在于党内思想认识上的内在逻辑。The Party led the Chinese people in winning the two major victories of the New Democratic Revolution and the Socialist Revolution in 35 years,making the endangered Chinese nation a great socialist country in the East.The hardships experienced are beyond words.An important source of the Party’s ability to achieve such great success is that it had mastered the methodology of conflict struggle.The Communists,with Comrade Mao Zedong as the outstanding representative,created a set of main contradictory theories absorbing the essence of experience and lessons,proved by successful practice,and stabilizing the direction of career development.This provided a scientific guide for the Party to identify the main social contradictions,determine the center in different periods,formulate policies and strategies,and lead the revolution to victory,which was the guideline for the Chinese revolution to move from victory to victory and is still shining with the light of truth.The article aims to sort out the Party’s innovation achievements in theory of the main social contradictions of this period and some unexplained but objectively existing internal logic in the Party’s ideological understanding.
作者魏代强 康广震WEI Dai-qiang;KANG Guang-zhen(Department of Basic Science,Yangzhou Vocational College of Industry,Yangzhou,Jiangsu 225127)
出处《玉林师范学院学报》  2020年第5期101-106,共6页Journal of Yulin Normal University
基金2018年江苏省高校哲学社会科学研究重点项目“新时代中国社会主要矛盾变化研究”(编号:2018SJZDI019) 江苏高校“青蓝工程”资助
关键词中国共产党 新民主主义 社会主要矛盾 实践探索 理论创建 马克思主义中国化the Communist Party of China New Democracy main social contradiction practice exploration theoretical creation Marxism Sinicization
分类号D239 [政治法律—中共党史]