更新日期:2021-05-08     浏览次数:185

为了研究700℃锅炉的烟气热偏差特性,采用计算流体力学的方法对1台700℃等级四角切圆П型锅炉展开数值模拟研究。基于商用的CFD软件,分析了700℃锅炉的烟气热偏差特性和形成机理,研究了燃尽风的反切和燃尽风的速度偏置对炉内速度场、温度场的影响,重点针对炉膛出口附近的速度分布和温度分布,进行烟气热偏差优化控制。结果表明:当分离燃尽风(SOFA)反切25°时,炉膛出口烟温偏差为63.23 K;相对于反切0°,烟温偏差的降幅达到51.43 K;当右侧SOFA风的速度与左侧SOFA风的速度比值为1.3∶1时,炉膛出口烟温偏差为39.31 K,相对于SOFA风没有偏置时,烟温偏差降低了23.92 K。In order to study the characteristics of the thermal deviation of the flue gas of a 700℃boiler,a numerical simulation study was carried out on a 700℃grade tangentially firing typeΠboiler using computational fluid dynamics method.based on commercial CFD software,the characteristics and formation mechanism of the flue gas thermal deviation of 700℃boilers are analyzed,and the influence of the reverse rotation of the over-fire air and the velocity offset of the over-fire air on the velocity field and temperature field in the furnace are studied,focusing on the velocity distribution and temperature distribution near the furnace outlet to optimize the thermal deviation of the flue gas.The results show that when the SOFA air is reversed with 25°,the flue gas temperature deviation at the furnace outlet is 63.23 K,and decreases by 81.43 K compared with that when reversed with 0°;when the ratio of the right SOFA air velocity to the left SOFA air velocity is 1.3∶1,the flue gas temperature deviation at the outlet of the furnace is 39.31 K,and reduced by 23.92 K compared with that when the SOFA air is not offset.
作者姚志鹏 刘建全 仇中柱 武振新 诸育枫 戴文泰YAO Zhipeng;LIU Jianquan;QIU Zhongzhu;WU Zhenxin;ZHU Yufeng;DAI Wentai(College of Energy and Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Electric Power University, Shanghai 201200, China;Shanghai Boiler Works Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200245, China)
机构地区上海电力大学能源与机械工程学院 上海锅炉厂有限公司
出处《锅炉技术》 北大核心  2021年第1期1-8,共8页Boiler Technology
关键词700℃锅炉 热偏差 SOFA反切 SOFA速度偏置 数值模拟700℃boiler thermal deviation reverse rotation SOFA SOFA velocity bias setting numerical simulation
分类号TK229.2 [动力工程及工程热物理—动力机械及工程]