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更新日期:2021-05-08     浏览次数:285

坚持总体国家安全观是应对传统安全和非传统安全问题,防范和化解重大风险,保障实现国家长治久安的内在要求。从生成逻辑方面来看,总体国家安全观是对马克思主义国家安全观的继承和发展,是对中国共产党人维护国家安全经验的有效借鉴;在坚持总体国家安全观的基本原则方面,要加强党对国家安全事业的全面领导,坚持维护国家安全的系统性与重点性的统一,坚持以人民安全为宗旨;在完善国家安全体系方面,要着力健全国家安全防控体系,构筑国家安全的人民防线,不断加强国际安全合作,统筹协调好内外安全环境。Upholding the overall concept of national security is an inherent requirement for addressing traditional and non-traditional security issues,preventing and defusing major risks,and ensuring lasting national peace and stability.From the perspective of generation logic,the overall national security concept is an inheritance and development of the concept of Marxism national security.What is more,it is an effective reference to the Chinese Communists’experience in safeguarding national security.In the aspect of basic principle.Firstly,we will strengthen the Party’s overall leadership over the cause of national security.Secondly,we will uphold the unity of systematicness and importance in safeguarding national security.Thirdly,adhere to the people’s safety as the purpose.In improving the national security system,we should focus on improving the national security prevention and control system,build a people’s line of defense for national security,constantly strengthen international security cooperation,and coordinate the internal and external security environment.
作者生忠军 王建SHENG Zhong-jun;WANG Jian(School of Marxism,Guangxi University of Finance and Economics,Nanning 530000,China;School of Marxism,Liaoning University,Shenyang 136000,China)
机构地区广西财经学院马克思主义学院 辽宁大学马克思主义学院
出处《天水行政学院学报:哲学社会科学版》  2021年第1期3-9,共7页Journal of Tianshui College of Administration
基金国家社会科学基金一般项目(18CKS017) 2019年度高校示范马克思主义学院和优秀教学科研团队建设项目,项目批准号(19JDSZK090) 2019年广西财经学院校级项目“网络空间意识形态安全治理研究”项目批准号(2019XJ001) 2019广西财经学院马克思主义学院重点项目“马克思主义世界历史视阈下构建人类命运共同体研究”,项目批准号(19XKS001)。
关键词总体国家安全观 逻辑 人类命运共同体overall view of national security logic community with a shared future for mankind
分类号D24 [政治法律—中共党史]