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更新日期:2021-05-08     浏览次数:164

世界沉浸在技术对自然征服和资本获取利益的狂热潮流之时,马克思恩格斯就前瞻性地洞察到社会发展的生态环境问题。马克思恩格斯深刻地揭示了人与自然矛盾的根源在于人与人的矛盾,指出解决人与自然矛盾的根本途径是实现人与自然的和解。剖析马克思恩格斯“两个和解”生态思想的深刻内涵,遵循人与自然关系的生态平衡原则和人与人关系的和谐原则,正确把握人本性、辩证性和科学性的显著特征,对于解决当代中国现存的生态环境问题具有重大的理论指导意义。While the world was immersed in the frenzied trend of technology’s conquest of nature and the profit of capital,Marx and Engels had a forward-looking insight into the ecological environment of social development.Marx and Engels profoundly revealed that the root of the contradiction between man and nature lies in the contradiction between man and nature,and pointed out that the fundamental way to solve the contradiction between man and nature is to realize the reconciliation between man and nature.Marx and Engels“two reconciliation”deep connotation of the ecological thought,follow the principle of the ecological balance of the relationship between man and nature and the harmony between the human principles,correctly grasp the nature of man,the salient features of dialectical and scientific,to solve the problem of the existing ecological environment in contemporary China has important theoretical guiding significance.
作者何亚蓉HE Ya-rong(School of Marxism,lanzhou University of Technology,Lanzhou 730050,China)
出处《天水行政学院学报:哲学社会科学版》  2021年第1期67-71,共5页Journal of Tianshui College of Administration
基金教育部社科规划项目“新时代西北地区生态治理的困境与对策研究”(20YJAZH065) 兰州市社科规划项目“兰州地区生态扶贫的现实困境及其路径优化策略研究”(19-018D) 2020甘肃省高等学校思政工作课题“新时代高校生态文明教育的对策研究”(XXSZGZYBKT05) 2020年度兰州理工大学高等教育研究项目“新时代思政课程和课程思政协同育人机制构建研究”(GJ2020C-31)的阶段性成果。
关键词马克思恩格斯 两个和解 生态文明建设Marx and Engels two reconciliations ecological civilization construction