更新日期:2021-05-09     浏览次数:168

选用来自中国、美国、印度的61份高粱品系作为试验材料,采用随机区组设计,成熟期对高粱的9个性状进行统计分析和聚类分析。研究表明,不同品系间性状表现具有丰富多样性,其中生育期和淀粉的变异程度最低,株高、穗长、单宁的变异程度较大,穗粒重、千粒重、粗蛋白、脂肪的变异程度较为明显。株高、穗粒重与穗长呈显著正相关,千粒重与穗粒重呈极显著正相关,单宁、粗蛋白与脂肪呈极显著正相关,单宁、粗蛋白、脂肪与总淀粉呈极显著负相关。聚类分析结果显示,61份高粱品系可划分为三个类群,各类群都表现出独特的地域性特征。供试高粱品系的农艺性状和品质性状均有着巨大的改良潜力,为进一步改良高粱品种和亲本选育提供科学依据。In this study,sixty-one sorghum lines from China,the United States and India were selected as experimental materials to conduct statistical analysis and cluster analysis of 9 characteristics of these sorghum lines at maturity stage by random block design.The results showed that there was rich diversity of characteristics among different lines.Among them,the variation degree of growth period and starch content was the lowest,while the variation degree of plant height,panicle length and tannin content was larger.And the variation degree of the grain weight per spike,1000-grain weight,and the content of crude protein and fat were more obvious.In addition,the plant height and grain weight per spike were significantly positively correlated with spike length,and the grain weight per spike was also significantly positively correlated with 1000-grain weight.The conten of tannin and crude protein showed extremely significant positive correlation with fat content,while the content of tannin,crude protein and fat appeared extremely significant negative correlation with total starch content.Cluster analysis showed that 61 sorghum lines could be divided into three groups,and each group showed unique regional characteristics.The agronomic traits and quality traits of the all these tested sorghum lines had great potential for improvement,which provided a scientific basis for further improvement of sorghum varieties and breeding of parents.
作者张海燕 史红梅 周福平 杨彬 李爱军ZHANG Haiyan;SHI Hongmei;ZHOU Fuping;YANG Bin;LI Aijun(Sorghum Research Institute of Shanxi Agricultural University/Key Laboratory of Sorghum Genetics and Germ Innovation in Shanxi Province,Jinzhong Shanxi 030600,China)
出处《种子》 北大核心  2021年第3期71-75,共5页Seed
基金农业部作物种质资源保护子项目(2018 NWB 030-06-01-1)。
关键词高粱 农艺性状 品质性状 遗传多样性分析 聚类分析sorghum agronomic traits quality traits genetic diversity analysis cluster analysis
分类号S511 [农业科学—作物学]