更新日期:2021-05-09     浏览次数:159

为提高红色文学作品的思想政治教育功能,促进大学生对红色文化的认知与传播,对革命年代先辈们优秀精神的传承与发扬,论述了红色文学作品阅读的思想政治教育价值在于:带领大学生重回革命年代;推动大学生的道德观发展;厚植大学生爱国主义情怀;引导大学生传承和发扬革命精神。通过相关文献阅读与网络数据分析当前大学生红色文学作品阅读的现状,发现当前大学生红色文学作品阅读呈现出阅读兴趣不高、阅读量少、阅读深度不够且阅读方式多样化的态势。提出了优化红色文学作品阅读的路径:挖掘红色文学现代元素,形成符合当代价值观的时代精神;贴合大学生阅读心理,回归文学作品深度阅读;遴选优秀作品,开展红色文学作品导读;创建学校、家庭、社会的联动教育机制,形成红色文学阅读的多方参与。In order to improve the ideological and political education function of red literature works,to promote college students′cognition and dissemination of red culture,and to inherit and carry forward the outstanding spirit of our ancestors in the revolutionary era,this paper discusses the ideological and political education value of reading red literature works:leading college students back to the revolutionary era;promoting the moral development of college students;cultivating college students′patriotism;guiding college students to inherit and carrying forward revolutionary spirit.Through relevant literature reading and network data analysis of the current situation of college students′red literature reading,it is found that the current situation of college students′red literature reading shows the trend of low reading interest,less reading amount,insufficient reading depth and diversified reading methods.This paper puts forward the path to optimize the reading of red literature.It focuses on:mining the modern elements of red literature and forming the spirit of the times of traditional values;returning to the deep reading of red literature works based on the reading psychology of college students;selecting excellent works to carry out the guidance of red literature works;and establishing the linkage education mechanism of school,family and society and formingmulti-participation in the reading of red literature.
作者郑玉祥ZHENG Yuxiang(School of Marxism,Hefei University of Technology,Hefei 230009,China)
出处《宿州学院学报》  2021年第1期9-13,共5页Journal of Suzhou University
关键词红色文学作品 思想政治教育 阅读Red literature works Ideological and political education Reading
分类号G641 [文化科学—高等教育学]