更新日期:2021-05-10     浏览次数:154

体医融合通过政策引导,整合卫生系统和体育系统的有形和无形资源,利用医学和体育科学的理论和方法以达到增强体质、维护健康的目的。社区作为体医融合建设工作的关键一环,既是体医融合的落脚点也是着力点。本文对我国社区体医融合实践进行了总结和分析,剖析了社区体医融合服务目前存在的困境,并提出了进一步的完善路径。目前我国社区体医融合形成了基于政企合作、社区体育俱乐部和社区体质监测中心三种类型服务模式,但仍存在人们对体医融合理念认知不足、缺乏长效合作机制、人才紧缺、平台建设滞后、社会力量参与不足等问题。鉴于此,为进一步促进社区体医深度融合,亟需提升体医融合认知、建立社区多元主体协同治理的体制机制、加强体医专业人才队伍建设、搭建大数据服务平台、调动不同社会力量参与社区体医融合建设,以期加快我国社区体医融合服务的进程,满足广大群众的健康需求。The integration of sports and medicine integrates the tangible and intangible resources of the health system and the sports system through policy guidance,uses the theories and methods of medicine and sports science to achieve the purpose of enhancing people's physical fitness and maintaining people's health.As a key part in the construction of sports medical integration,community is not only the foothold but also the focus of sports medical integration.This paper summarizes and analyzes the practice of community sports medical integration in China,analyzes the current difficulties of community sports medical integration service,and puts forward the further improvement path.At present,the integration of community sports and medicine in China has formed three types of service models based on government enterprise cooperation,community sports club and community fitness monitoring center.However,there are still some problems,such as insufficient awareness of the concept of sports and medicine integration,lack of long-term cooperation mechanisms,shortage of talents,lagging platform construction,and insufficient participation of social forces.In view of this,in order to further promote the deep integration of community sports and medicine,it is urgent to enhance the cognition of community sports and medicine integration,establish the system and mechanism of the collaborative governance of multiple entities in the community,strengthen the construction of sports and medicine professionals,build a big data service platform,and mobilize different social forces to participate in the construction of community sports and medicine integration,so as to speed up the process of community sports and medicine integration service and meet the health needs of the broad masses of people health needs.
作者王一杰 王世强 李丹 胥祉涵 王少堃WANG Yijie;WANG Shiqiang;LI Dan;XU Zhihan;WANG Shaokun(Physical Education College of Hunan University of Technology,Zhuzhou 412000,China;Hunan Provincial Key Laboratory of Physical Health and Sports Fitness,Zhuzhou 412000,China)
机构地区湖南工业大学体育学院 体质健康和运动健身湖南省重点实验室
出处《中国全科医学》 CAS 北大核心  2021年第18期2260-2267,共8页Chinese General Practice
基金中国博士后科学基金特别资助(2020T130489) 教育部人文社科基金(18YJC890041) 第66批中国博士后基金面上项目(2019M662736) 湖南省社科成果评审委员会项目(XSP20YBZ006) 湖南省教育厅科学研究项目(19C0542) 体质健康和运动健身湖南省重点实验室(2020TP1024)。
关键词社区卫生服务 体医融合 运动医学 服务 健康Community health services Sports and medical integration Sports medicine Service Health
分类号R-05 [医药卫生]