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更新日期:2021-05-10     浏览次数:169

很多来华学历生都面临着因汉语词汇量不足而导致专业学习效果不佳的严峻挑战。本文以经贸类本科基础专业课教材《西方经济学》(微观部分·第七版)的文本为研究对象,进行了分词和词频统计,验证了齐夫定律的适用性,提出了经贸类预科留学生的理想词表和补充学习词表。研究结果如下:(1)当前通用汉语教学词汇大纲在专业课教材中的文本覆盖率不足以满足留学生通过阅读充分理解专业文本的需要。(2)《西方经济学》(微观部分·第七版)词表的序位和词频的对数具有线性相关关系,符合齐夫分布,应更重视学习专业课教材中的高频词汇。(3)确定了1799词的理想词表,并基于《预科词表》提出了最简补充学习词表。本研究认为,依据专业方向确定理想词表和补充学习词表,对于优化汉语预科教育教学大纲以及精准筛选和编写教学素材具有一定应用价值。Many international students studying for academic degrees in China are facing serious academic challenges due to insufficient Chinese vocabulary. This paper studies the texts of Western Economics(Micro part, the 7 th edition), a textbook of a basic course for the economics and trade related majors, conducts word segmentation and word frequency calculation, verifies the applicability of Zipf’s Law, and then, proposes an ideal wordlist and a supplementary wordlist for preparatory students who will major in the economics and trade related majors, based on Nation(2013, 2016). General conclusions of this study are:(1) the text coverage of the current general Chinese vocabulary syllabi in the teaching materials of specialized courses are not enough to enable international students to fully understand the professional texts through reading.(2) There is a linear correlation between the logarithm of the word order and word frequency in Western Economics(Micro part), which conforms to Zipf’s Law. Therefore, more attention should be paid to the study of high-frequency words in specialized course textbooks.(3) An ideal wordlist of 1799 words is determined, and the simplest supplementary learning wordlist is put forward based on a general Chinese vocabulary syllabus. It is concluded that the determination of ideal and supplementary vocabulary according to the professional direction is of practical value in optimizing the teaching syllabus of Chinese preparatory education and in accurately selecting and compiling teaching materials.
作者程璐璐 李由 刘佳Cheng Lulu;Li You;Liu Jia(不详)
机构地区北京语言大学汉语国际教育研究院/汉语国际教育学部预科教育学院 美国伊利诺伊大学厄本那香槟分校东亚语言文化系 天津中医药大学文化与健康传播学院
出处《语言教学与研究》 北大核心  2021年第1期12-20,共9页Language Teaching and Linguistic Studies
基金北京语言大学院级科研项目(中央高校基本科研业务专项资金,编号:19YJ010403) 国家社科基金重大项目(编号:20&ZD295)的资助。
关键词齐夫定律 词汇大纲 理想词表 汉语预科教育 经贸类专业Zipf’s Law syllabus ideal wordlist Chinese Preparatory Education economics and trade related major
分类号G63 [文化科学—教育学]