更新日期:2021-05-10     浏览次数:241

当今世界处于“百年未有之大变局”之中,全球化进程遭遇逆流,国际力量对比持续变化,大国博弈和地缘政治较量加剧,全球多边合作面临严峻挑战。新冠肺炎疫情大流行,放大了国际社会的既有矛盾,加快了“百年未有之大变局”的演化,对国际政治经济秩序造成了全方位影响。后疫情时代,多边合作机制竞合不断强化,全球热点问题转移,大国战略博弈态势生变,挑战和机遇都有新的变化,国际形势更加纷繁复杂。对此,中国外交应当保持战略定力,准确识变、科学应变、主动求变,把握和塑造战略机遇期,化害为利,在危机中育先机,于变局中开新局。Currently,the world is amid“changes unseen in a century”,in which the trend of globalization is met with a counter current,the balance of international power is changing constantly,major-country game and geopolitical contest are intensifying,and global multilateral cooperation is facing severe challenges.The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic worldwide has magnified the existing contradictions in the international community,accelerated the evolution of“changes unseen in a century”,and exerted all-round impacts on the international political and economic order.In the post-COVID-19 era,competition and cooperation of multilateral cooperation mechanisms will be constantly strengthened,global hot spots will shift,the situation of strategic competition among major powers will change,both challenges and opportunities will take on new looks,and the international situation will become more complex.In responding to such a situation,China should maintain its strategic focus;correctly understand the changes,scientifically respond to the changes,and actively initiate changes;and seize and shape the period of strategic opportunities by turning disadvantages into advantages,seeking opportunities amid crises,and opening up a new situation in the changing situation.
作者高飞 王冬Gao Fei;Wang Dong(China Foreign Affairs University;Department of Diplomacy and Foreign Affairs Management,China Foreign Affairs University)
机构地区外交学院 外交学院外交学与外事管理系
出处《和平与发展》  2021年第1期1-17,130,136-142,共25页Peace and Development
关键词百年大变局 新冠疫情 中美关系 中国外交
分类号D815 [政治法律—国际关系]