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更新日期:2021-05-10     浏览次数:164

摘要 在大数据智能化技术驱动和工业4.0革新年代背景下,中国财税专业服务领域将发生根本性变革,智能财税将成为财税行业的发展趋势。近年来,我国职业教育进行了大的变革与调整,随着提出了1+X证书制度的提出,1+X智能财税证书应时而出,在1+X智能财税证书背景下,高职院校的会计专业培养方向将发生巨大变化,在满足专业理论知识体系的学历教育的同时,应更加注重智能财税职业技能的培养。本文结合1+X证书制度的要求,分析研究了智能财税人才培养的方向,从“智能财税订单班”实践案例入手,对1+X证书背景下高职院校智能财税人才培养模式展开探索与研究。 Driven by the big data/intelligent technologies,a fundamental change has occurred in the finance and taxation service in China on the background of innovative Industry 4.0,where intelligent finance and taxation is becoming a development trend.In recent years major reforms have been carried out in national vocational education.With the implementation of the“1+X”certificate system,there has come the“1+X”certificate of intelligent finance and taxation,bringing a vast change in the direction of accounting major at vocational colleges.The practical skills of intelligent finance and taxation should be emphasized as well as the professional theory and knowledge for diploma education.In this article,the training direction of intelligent finance and taxation talents is analyzed considering the requirements of“1+X”certificate system,and real cases of“Customized Class for Intelligent Finance and Taxation”are used for the exploration and study of the training model of Intelligent Finance and taxation.
作者 王丽洁 Wang Lijie(Beijing Information Technology College,Beijing,100015 China)
出处 《滁州职业技术学院学报》 2020年第4期11-15,共5页 Journal of Chuzhou Vocational and Technical College
基金 北京市职业院校教师素质提升计划——专业创新团队建设项目(京教函[2020]23号)。
关键词 1+X证书 智能财税 人才培养模式 “1+X”certificate system intelligent finance and taxation training model