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更新日期:2021-05-13     浏览次数:301

摘要 汉字设计是对汉字在信息传达功能与艺术审美表现上的优化提升,因传统上受其二维静态属性的影响,设计者主要侧重于对汉字进行装饰性设计或字体设计方面的研究探索;随着国际交流的日益推进,东西文化交融渗透,跨界思维、多媒体技术、智能化媒介的嵌入应用,催生了汉字设计呈现丰富的拓展面和多维度的表达态势;本文基于信息化、数字化和视觉设计语境这一前提,结合科技和人文因素,以多维度的设计视角探析汉字设计的创新思路,分析汉字设计在二维层面、三维层面、动态层面的发展态势及具体表现,挖掘时代赋予汉字设计的更多可能性。 Typographic design enhances the information transmission function and artistic aesthetics of Chinese characters.Traditionally affected by the two-dimensional static properties of characters,designers mainly focus on the research and exploration of decorative design or font design.With the increasing frequency of international exchanges and the integration of eastern and western cultures,the widespread application of multimedia technology and intelligent media has spawned a richer expansion of multi-dimensional expression in Chinese characters.based on the premise of informatization,digitization,and visual design,this article combines technological and human factors to explore the possibilities of typographic design of Chinese from a multi-dimensional perspective.This article analyzes the development trends and specific expressions of Chinese characters at the two-dimensional,three-dimensional,and dynamic levels.It digs more possibilities,given by the era,for typographic design of Chinese.
出处 《创意与设计》 2020年第6期17-26,共10页 Creation and Design
基金 2018年福建省社会科学规划项目(FJ2018B146)。
关键词 汉字设计 多维度态势 应用探析 typographic design of Chinese multi-dimensional development trend application analysis