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更新日期:2021-05-13     浏览次数:228

摘要 乡村振兴为设计艺术入乡提供了契机,入乡的设计不能仅仅作为乡村振兴的工具,而要作为持久的加持嵌入到乡村生态发展行动过程的有机构成之中,发挥其创生功能:塑造生态人,为乡村振兴赋魂;创构生态场,为乡村振兴赋形;更生生态业,为乡村振兴赋智;这一以生态持存与创生为基准,以产业兴旺和社会和谐为构作目标的入乡艺术设计既能助力乡村的振兴,也能实现设计艺术自身的生态化蝶变,走上永续发展之路。 Rural revitalization must take the road of ecological development, which provides an opportunity for design art to play its role in the countryside. Rural design can not only be a tool for rural revitalization, but should be embedded in the process of rural ecological development as a Additional Force to play its role of creation. To shape the ecological consciousness and consumption behavior of the vilagers, design shapes the soul of rural revitalization. To create an ecological field that integrates ecological space and living places, design creates the country a new life form.To create a rural industrial chain with the basic goal of comprehensive ecological benefits, design offers wisdom to the revitalization of the countryside. based on the ecological preservation and creation, with the industrial prosperity and social harmony as the goal, design can not only promote the revitalization of the countryside, but also realize the ecological transformation of the design art itself and set it on a path of sustainable development.
作者 袁志准
出处 《创意与设计》 2020年第6期40-44,共5页 Creation and Design
基金 湖南省哲学社会科学基金项目(16YBA059) 湖南省社会科学成果评审委员会课题(XSP17YBZC017)
关键词 乡村振兴 设计入乡 创生 构和 rural revitalization design in the countryside creating ecology promoting harmony