更新日期:2021-05-13     浏览次数:165

摘要 目的构建人乳库智能信息管理系统,建立连接人乳捐赠者、管理者、受捐者三方的管理运行信息化平台,规范并优化流程,探索适合中国国情的人乳库管理方法。方法构建人乳库智能信息管理系统,包括5个功能模块:捐赠者信息导入、需乳信息录入、捐赠人乳出入库信息管理、不良事件追踪、统计分析。比较系统应用前2019年7月—8月与系统应用后2019年10—12月工作人员效率、不良事件发生例数及母乳喂养率。结果人乳库智能信息管理系统应用前后捐赠人乳进入临时库的平均操作时间由8 min/份降至2 min/份,出库的平均操作时间由5 min/份降至1 min/份;人乳库工作人员每日计算捐赠人乳用量的耗时由每日1 h变成系统自动生成;人乳信息回溯操作时间由应用前的耗时1.5 h/人变为系统自动关联信息;捐赠人乳发放错误或捐赠人乳储存临近过期的不良事件由应用前的3例降至应用后的0例。系统应用前后母乳喂养率由65.11%上升至69.74%,差异具有统计学意义(χ2=12.55,P<0.001)。结论人乳库智能信息管理系统可帮助医护人员优化操作流程,保障捐赠人乳喂养安全,提高新生儿重症监护病房母乳喂养率。 Objective To construct an intelligent information management system of donor human milk bank,to establish a management information platform connecting of human milk donors,managers and recipients,to standardize and optimize the process,and to explore suitable human milk bank management methods suitable for China’s national conditions. Methods From October 2017 to November 2019,the information management system of human milk bank was constructed including the following 5 functional modules,namely importing donor information,inputting milk information,managing donors’ milk in and out,tracking adverse events,statistical analysis.The staff efficiency,the number of error events and breastfeeding rates were compared between July to August 2019 before the system application and October to December 2019 after the system application. Results Before and after the application of the management system of the donor human milk bank,the average operation time of the donor milk input for storage was reduced from 8 min/portion to 2 min/portion,and the average operation time of the donor milk out from the storage was reduced from 5 min/portion to 1 min/portion. The daily calculation of milk consumption by the staff was also changed from 1 h daily to be automatically generated by the system. The backtracking time of milk source information was changed from 1.5 h/person before application to automatic system correlation. The incidence of adverse events due to mis-delivery or near shelf life of donor milk decreased from3 cases before application to 0 after application. The breastfeeding rate before and after system application increased from 65.11% to 69.74%,and the difference was statistically significant( χ2=12.55,P<0.001). Conclusion The intelligent information management system of human milk bank can help health care professionals to optimize the operation process,ensure the safety of donor human milk breastfeeding,and improve the breastfeeding rate in neonatal intensive care unit.
作者 吴菠 李秋芳 伊胜月 林蓉 上官雪军 张瑞 王华 WU Bo;LI Qiufang;YI Shengyue;LIN Rong;SHANGGUAN Xuejun;ZHANG Rui;WANG Hua(不详)
出处 《中华护理杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第2期189-193,共5页 Chinese Journal of Nursing
基金 国家卫生健康委员会省部共建科研基金(WKJ-ZJ-2008) 浙江省医药卫生科技计划项目(2020KY619)。
关键词 人乳库 信息系统 母乳喂养 新生儿重症监护病房 儿科护理学 Human Milk Bank Information System Breastfeeding Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Pediatric Nursing