摘要 在中国农地产权抵押实践中,限于农地经营权作为贷款第二还款源的薄弱作用,金融机构更多关注承贷主体以家庭务农劳动力禀赋为重要内容的农业生产潜能,以审核其支撑未来家庭农业经营收入作为第一还款源的可靠性。本文以宁夏回族自治区两个农地产权抵押试点区的微观数据为基础,结合金融机构“审贷分离”制度,探讨了农户家庭务农劳动力禀赋和金融机构农地产权评估价值“配给发生”和“配给程度”两步决策之间的关系,并运用CRAGG模型实证分析务农劳动力禀赋对金融机构农地产权评估价值配给决策的影响。结果表明,务农劳动力平均受教育年限、平均务农年限两个质量禀赋显著降低了农地产权评估价值“配给发生”的概率以及“配给程度”,而务农劳动力数量禀赋则与之相反。按农地产权抵押贷款运作模式分组后的实证研究证实了上述结论。按户主年龄、受教育程度分组后的实证分析表明,相较于中老年和受教育程度较高的户主,务农劳动力禀赋对户主为中青年、中年、受教育程度偏低的农户家庭农地产权评估价值配给影响显著,且影响方向也与前述发现一致。 In the practice of China’s farmland property rights mortgage,financial institutions tend to pay more attention to the agricultural production potential of the mortgagee with the family agricultural labor endowment as the important content,due to the weak role of farmland management rights as the second source of loan repayment,so as to examine the reliability of their support for future family agricultural business income as the primary source of repayment.based on the micro data of two pilot areas of farmland property rights mortgage in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region,this article discusses the relationship between the endowment of agricultural labor force and the two-step decision-making of“allocation occurrence”and“allocation degree”of farmland property rights evaluation value of financial institutions.It uses a Cragg model and empirically analyzes the impact of agricultural labor force endowment on the value allocation decision of agricultural land property rights evaluation by financial institutions.The results show that the two quality endowments,the average education years and the average farming years significantly reduce the probability and degree of“rationing”of the evaluation value of farmland property rights,while the quantity endowment of agricultural labor force is opposite.According to the operation mode of rural land property mortgage loan,the empirical study confirms the above conclusion.The empirical analysis shows that compared to middle-aged and older households as well as better-educated household heads,the endowment of agricultural labor force has a significant impact on the evaluation value allocation of farmland property rights for households headed by young and middle-aged and less-educated farmers,and the influence direction is consistent with the above findings.
机构地区 西北农林科技大学经济管理学院
出处 《中国农村经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第12期67-87,共21页 Chinese Rural Economy
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目“权属来源、用途特性、经营规模视角下农地经营权抵押约束的实证研究”(编号:71773090) 陕西省社科界2020年度重大理论与现实问题研究项目“陕西省农村集体经济金融支持及其模式研究”(编号:2020Z300) 中央高校基本科研业务费(编号:2452020059)“农地流转背景下新型农业经营主体的金融支持研究”的阶段性成果。
关键词 务农劳动力禀赋 农地产权评估 价值配给 CRAGG模型 Farming Labor Endowment Farmland Property Right Appraisal Value Rationing CRAGG Model