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更新日期:2021-05-13     浏览次数:155

摘要 学生会干部是学生中优秀、精英的群体,其既是接受教育的普通学生,又是普通学生的管理者和服务者,在学生成长的不同阶段都发挥着重要作用。在当前管理服务的实践中,高校学生会干部出现了自身角色内冲突、下级与上级角色外冲突和选拔前后的新旧角色等三种冲突。深入分析其原因主要是存在身份定位模糊、科层制弊端和隐性“淘汰”机制的负外部性三种制度问题。推进高校学生会改革需要从三种制度性问题出发,有效解决其中的角色冲突问题。 Student-union cadres are excellent elite groups among students.They are not only ordinary students receiving education,but also administrators and service providers for ordinary students.They play an important role in different stages of students'growth.In the current practice,there are three kinds of conflicts in the role of student-union cadres in universities,namely,internal conflict between the role of student cadres,the external conflict between the role of subordinate and superior,and the conflict between the new and old roles before and after the selection.The causes of these three roles’conflicts are such three institutional problems of negative externality as vague identity positioning,bureaucratic malpractice and recessive “elimination”mechanism.To promote the reform of student union in university,we should solve the role conflict from three institutional problems.
作者 曹颖 孙钰涵 陈思 CAO Ying;SUN Yu-han;CHEN Si(College of Economics and Management,Northeast Forestry University)
出处 《教育理论与实践》 北大核心 2021年第12期12-14,共3页 Theory and Practice of Education
基金 2020年中央高校基本科研业务费项目“制度创新视角下高校辅导员团队式发展内生动力研究——以辅导员名师工作室培育为例”(项目编号:2572020BX05)的研究成果。主持人:张磊。
关键词 高校 学生会干部 角色冲突 学生 干部 身份定位 科层制 隐性“淘汰”机制 university student-union cadres role conflict students cadres identity positioning bureaucracy recessive“elimination”mechanism