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摘要 为探索走出一条符合超大城市特点和规律的社会治理新路子,深入贯彻习近平总书记2019年考察上海时的重要讲话精神,上海市围绕"政务服务和城市管理进一步科学化、精细化、智能化"目标,全力抓好政务服务"一网通办"和城市运行"一网统管"两张网建设。经过一年的探索尝试,全市上下不断丰富"两张网"的理论内涵和外延,逐渐形成了符合超大城市治理特点的体系架构和价值导向。但是,在"两张网"理论落地、实体运作等方面仍存在进一步优化完善之处,深度剖析上海市关于"两张网"建设的思想理念,挖掘政务服务"一网通办"和城市运行"一网统管"的实践意义,以期为推进城市治理体系和治理能力现代化提供上海样本。 In order to explore a new way of social governance that conforms to the characteristics and laws of mega-city,and thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech when he visited Shanghai in 2019,Shanghai has focused on"government services and urban operation to be further scientific,refined and intelligent.We will do our best to build the two networks of"One Network Handle"for government services and"One Network Management"for urban operation.After a year of exploration and experimentation,Shanghai has continuously enriched the theoretical connotation and extension of"the two networks",and gradually formed a system structure and value orientation that conformed to the characteristics of mega-city.However,there are still areas for further optimization and improvement in the implementation of"the two networks"theory and substantive operation.This article aims to deeply analyze"the two networks"ideology and concepts on the construction of Shanghai,to explore the practical significance of the government service"One Network Handle"and the urban operation"One Network Management",and to provide a Shanghai sample for advancing the modernization of urban governance systems and governance capacities.
作者 石磊 熊竞 刘旭 Shi Lei;Xiong Jing;Liu Xu(Shanghai Jiaotong University,Shanghai200030,China)
出处 《上海城市管理》 2021年第2期17-21,共5页 Shanghai Urban Management
关键词 一网通办 一网统管 智慧城市 整体政府 One Network Handle One Network Management smart city holistic government