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更新日期:2021-05-14     浏览次数:235

摘要 "广场协议"是研究第二次世界大战后美日经济关系绕不过去的一个重要历史事件,也是分析中美经贸关系经常触及的一个关键话题。尽管已有很多文献涉及,但仍需从更加广阔的视野和更为立体的角度加以深入研究,还原其真实历史,分析其中真正的影响与教训。35年后看"广场协议",尤其要回答,当年日本为何积极主动配合美国实施日元升值计划,造成日本经济由盛而衰的众多原因中是否有美国因素,以及中美两国之间有无可能出现类似于"广场协议"的合作机制或妥协机制等问题。本文的主要研究结论是,特殊的美日关系是导致日本主动参与"广场协议"的主要原因;日本经济后来进入"失落的年代"的根源虽非出自"广场协议",但美国因素也不能排除在因果逻辑之外;由于时代和国家意识不同,中美之间不大可能出现新的"广场协议"。 The Plaza Accord is a milestone in the US-Japan economic relations post WWII,and also an important reference for the study of Sino-US economic and trade relations.Although there have been quite a few studies on that agreement,it is necessary to further analyze the accord from broader perspectives and more dimensions.In particular,why did Japan actively cooperate with the United States to implement the yen appreciation plan in those years?Was the US accountable for Japan’s lost decades after the signing of the accord?Could there be a new Plaza Accord between China and US?This article concludes that Japan’s special relations with the US,which was shaped by the WWII and driven by its fear of US might and retaliation,was a key factor behind the country’s active participation in the signing of the accord and there definitely was a correlation between the role of the US and Japan’s lost decades.With a quite different national identity,China would not accept any mechanism like the US-designed Plaza Accord.
作者 徐康宁 Xu Kangning(不详)
出处 《国际经济评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第6期104-122,7,共20页 International Economic Review
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“世界经济的重大结构性矛盾及其深刻影响研究”(项目编号:17ZDA096)的阶段性成果。