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更新日期:2021-06-03     浏览次数:142

摘要 学校美育是提高审美、化育心灵的主要途径。2018年9月,习近平总书记在全国教育大会上强调"要全面加强和改进学校美育,坚持以美育人、以文化人,提高学生审美和人文素养"。美育在全面发展教育中的地位和作用受到前所未有的重视,同时被赋予了新的使命。当前学校美育仍然面临重智育轻美育、师资力量薄弱、美育形式单调等问题。重庆市渝中区作为学校美育实验区,对美育课程教学模式进行创新,探索了一条具有时代性、社会性、地域文化特色和实践推广价值的美育途径,即:坚持时代文化和地方文化相融合的校本美育课程理念,打造综合美育课程特色——将课程与活动及传统文化相结合;积极开展"学校型"大型艺术活动,突出综合性;注重组织"社会型"大型艺术活动,形成国内外审美互动、艺术家传帮带、生活体验与艺术审美相结合、家校融合、民族文化得以传承的良好局面;搭建跨界艺术活动平台,在实践劳作、艺术鉴赏、文艺展演中探寻"美"的创新教学模式。在中国特色社会主义新时代,各地中小学校要根据新时代对美育的要求和自身所在的地域环境来开设丰富多样的艺术课程,以"大美育、大课堂、大教学"理念探索创新多样化的美育教学模式,不断提高学生审美素养。 School aesthetic education is the main way to improve the aesthetic and cultivate the soul.Its nature and content must be realized through artistic curriculum design and creative teaching mode.At the national education conference in September,2018,general secretary Xi Jinping once again stressed the need to"comprehensively strengthen and improve school aesthetic education,adhere to aesthetic education and culture,and improve students aesthetic and humanistic quality".Yuzhong District of Chongqing,as the experimental area of school aesthetic education,makes innovative explorations on the teaching mode of aesthetic education.To form a school-based aesthetic education curriculum concept that integrates the era culture and local culture,roots in the school s own characteristics,and deeply excavates the characteristics of regional culture.To create a comprehensive aesthetic education curriculum characterized by interdisciplinary integration of curriculum,activities and traditional culture.When it comes to"school type"large-scale art activities,it focuses on comprehensiveness and integration.As for"social type"large-scale artactivities,it forms the mode of aesthetic interaction at home and abroad,artists help and guidance,life experience,home-school integration,and national culture inheritance;for cross-border art activities,it presents and explores the innovative teaching mode of"beauty"in practical work,appreciation and identification,performance and research.It puts forward the innovation path of systematic aesthetic education with the characteristics of times and society.Art and aesthetics have strong characteristics of time and space.At present,Chinese society has entered a new era.The art curriculum and aesthetic education in primary and secondary schools should reflect and innovate in the new era.On the one hand,primary and secondary schools must set up a variety of cultural courses,infiltration courses and comprehensive courses according to their own space-time environment;on the other hand,with the in-depth de
作者 颜婷婷 毕小君 Yan Tingting;Bi Xiaojun(College Of Techer Education,Southwest University,Chongqing 400715,China)
出处 《教师教育学报》 2021年第3期81-89,共9页 Journal of Teacher Education
基金 重庆市高等教育教学改革研究项目课程思政专项“以艺养心以德化人——融合课程思政的‘全人’艺术教育培养体系建构研究”(202006S),项目负责人:颜婷婷 中央高校基本科研博士启动项目“全人教育视域下我国职前教师传统音乐素养教育研究”(SWU1809671),项目负责人:颜婷婷 重庆市高等教育教学改革研究项目“师范生审美化课堂教学模式实践研究”(183170),项目负责人:毕小君。
关键词 新时代学校美育 艺术课程设计 综合美育课程 教学模式创新 都市美育 school aesthetic education in the new era art curriculum design comprehensive aesthetic education course innovation of teaching mode urban aesthetic education