更新日期:2021-06-03     浏览次数:159

摘要 全面提升水资源利用效率,加快节水型社会建设已成为水资源约束下经济社会发展的必要路径。为促进经济社会发展与水资源承载能力相协调,在测度宁夏产业结构与水资源相关关系和关联度的基础上,分析了不同用水效率水平下可承载的产业发展规模与产业结构优化调整方案。研究表明:宁夏第一产业和第三产业构成与其用水量构成的相关关系较强,这与产业发展对水资源的依赖程度有关;宁夏第三产业发展以特色旅游和农副产品销售为主,与第一产业融合度高,水资源对产业结构有较强的约束作用,产业结构调整空间较大。宁夏未来应以限制农业发展规模为基础、引进先进节水技术为支撑,推动产业由第一产业向第二、第三产业发展,高耗水工业向高新技术工业发展,传统服务业向现代服务业发展,逐步实现产业结构优化升级。 It has become the necessary path of economic and social development under the constraint of water resources to comprehensively improve the utilization efficiency of water resources and accelerate the construction of water⁃saving society.In order to promote the coordina⁃tion between the development of economic society and water resources carrying capacity,this paper analyzed the adjustment scheme of the in⁃dustrial development scale and industrial structure optimization under different levels of water utilization efficiency,based on the measurement of the correlation and relevancy between industrial structure and water resources in Ningxia.The results show that the composition of primary industries and tertiary industries in Ningxia has a strong correlation with the composition of water consumption,which is related to the degree of dependence of industrial development on water resources.The development of tertiary industries in Ningxia is dominated by characteristic tourism and sales of agricultural and sideline products,which is highly integrated with the primary industries.Water resources have a strong constraint effect on industrial structure and there is a large space for industrial structure adjustment.In the future,Ningxia should be suppor⁃ted by limiting the scale of agricultural development,introducing advanced water⁃saving technology and promoting the development of indus⁃tries from primary to secondary and tertiary industries.Water intensive industries should be developed into high⁃tech industries and traditional service industries should be developed into modern service industries.The industrial structure should be optimized and upgraded step by step.
作者 黄新蕊 贾玲 陈丹 游进军 郭志辉 HUANG Xinrui;JIA Ling;CHEN Dan;YOU Jinjun;GUO Zhihui(Hebei University of Engineering,Handan 056038,China;China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research,Beijing 100038,China;State Key Laboratory of Simulation and Regulation of Water Cycle in River Basin,Beijing 100038,China;Ningxia Hydrology and Water Resources Monitoring and Early Warning Center,Yinchuan 750011,China)
出处 《人民黄河》 CAS 北大核心 2021年第5期74-79,共6页 Yellow River
基金 国家重点研发计划项目(2018YFC0408101,2017YFC0404405,2018YFC0407705) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(71774172) 中国工程科技发展宁夏战略研究院重大咨询研究项目。
关键词 水资源 产业结构 相关分析 协调关系 宁夏 water resources industrial structure correlation analysis coordination relationship Ningxia