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更新日期:2021-06-03     浏览次数:214

摘要 新乡贤参与乡村治理在推动乡村内外资源整合、促进乡村内部利益协调、推进乡村社会多元治理制度生成和引导乡风文化等方面发挥着重要作用。随着乡村振兴进程的加速,新乡贤及在其基础上诞生的新乡贤组织在乡村治理中扮演着越来越重要的角色。化解新乡贤在参与乡村治理中存在的人才短缺、合法性存疑、与政府组织合作不畅及受传统认知制约影响治理效果等困境,成为其参与乡村治理的题中之义。因此,需通过政策引领、身份支撑、平台构建及转变认知等路径,化解新乡贤参与乡村治理的困境,提升治理效能,实现乡村善治。 New country elites's participation in rural governance plays an important role in promoting the integration of resources inside and outside the village,promoting the coordination of interests within the village,promoting the generation of a pluralistic governance system in rural society,and guiding the rural culture.With the acceleration of the process of rural revitalization,New country elites and the New country elite organization born on the basis of it are playing an increasingly important role in rural governance.Resolving the dilemma of New country elites's participation in rural governance,such as the shortage of talents,doubts about legitimacy,poor cooperation with government organizations,and the influence of traditional cognitive constraints on governance effects,has become the meaning of their participation in rural governance.Therefore,it is necessary to resolve the dilemma of new country elites's participation in rural governance,improve governance efficiency,and achieve good rural governance through policy guidance,identity support,platform construction,and transformation of cognition.
作者 聂梦琪 NIE Mengqi(School of Public Affairs,Nanjing University of Science and Technology,Nanjing Jiangsu 210094,China)
出处 《宿州教育学院学报》 2021年第2期19-23,共5页 Journal of Suzhou Education Institute
关键词 乡村振兴 乡村治理 新乡贤 rural revitalization rural governance new country elite