更新日期:2021-06-03     浏览次数:230

摘要 为研究炸弹邻近爆炸对人防工程结构的破坏效应,对半埋和全埋式浅埋结构人防工程进行不同爆炸距离作用和装药量下的模型结构抗爆试验研究。在1/3大缩比条件下,通过11批次爆炸试验分析人防工程结构的动力响应和破坏特征。结果表明:爆炸产生的空气冲击波作用到外墙上产生的超压大小与墙板刚度有关,外墙结构设计荷载应取墙面受力最大位置的荷载;炸弹在半埋地下室外墙邻近处触地爆炸与全埋地下室外墙邻近处钻地爆炸对工程结构的毁伤效应,不仅与作用到墙面的超压有关,而且与爆炸作用持续时间和周边介质情况以及介质中构筑物的情况密切相关。 The semi-buried and fully-buried civil defense engineering structures under the conditions of different blast distances and charge masses were experimentally studied to investigate the damage effects of civil defense engineering structure under blast loading.The dynamic response and damage characteristics of civil defense engineering structures are analyzed through 11 batches of blast experiments with a large scale ratio of 1/3.The results show that the overpressure generated by blast shock wave on the external wall is related to the stiffness of wall panel,and the design load of external wall structure should be the load at the maximum stress position of wall surface.The damage effects caused by the contact blast near the outer wall of semi-buried basement and the ground-shock explosion near the fully-buried basement are related to the overpressure on the wall surface,and also closely related to the duration of explosion,surrounding media,and structures in the medium.
作者 刘飞 王辉明 晏麓晖 李欢秋 LIU Fei;WANG Huiming;YAN Luhui;LI Huanqiu(Institute of Defense Engineering,Academy of Military Science,Luoyang 471023,Henan,China;College of Aerospace Science,Nation University of Defense Technology,Changsha 410072,Hunan,China;College of Military Basic Education,Nation University of Defense Technology,Changsha 410073,Hunan,China)
出处 《兵工学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第3期625-632,共8页 Acta Armamentarii
基金 国家人民防空办公室科研计划项目(BZ-2017-1204)。
关键词 人防工程 炸弹 浅埋结构 破坏效应 civil air defense engineering explosion shallow-buried structure experimental research damage effect