更新日期:2021-06-22     浏览次数:163

摘要 灌输理论是以马克思主义科学理论为依据,由教育者有目的、有计划性地促进受教育者全面发展的意识形态教育理论。将灌输理论运用到新时代高校爱国主义教育中,有助于指导爱国主义教育理论传播、促进大学生核心价值观整合、塑造大学生的共同理想。就目前高校爱国主义教育的客观态势和现实境遇来看,爱国主义教育灌输理论的效果还没有达到人们对它的预期,运用灌输理论推进高校爱国主义教育依然面临一些困境:教育主客体对灌输理论存在认识误区;灌输理论的教育介体有待优化;灌输理论的教育环体复杂多变。将灌输理论运用于新时代高校爱国主义教育,必须因时而进,创新教育内容;因事而化,创新教育载体;因势而新,创新教育方式,推动爱国主义教育走深走心走实,更好地提升高校爱国主义教育的实效性。 Inculcation theory is an ideological education theory based on Marxist scientific theory,which aims to promote the multifaceted development of students in a planned way.The application of inculcation theory in patriotic education in higher education institutions in the new era are helpful to guide the spread of patriotic education theory,promote the integration of students’core values,and shape their common ideas.In terms of the objective situation and realistic situation of patriotic education in higher education,the effect of the inculcation theory of patriotism education has not reached common expectations,and there are still some difficulties such as the focus and purpose of education have misunderstandings on inculcation theory.The educational medium of inculcation theory needs to be optimized,while the educational environment of inculcation theory is complex and changeable.To promote the advanced patriotism education in the new era,higher education institutions must constantly advance and innovate the contents of education,keep the advanced nature of patriotism and inculcation theory,modernize the carrier of education,confirm the scientific nature of patriotism and inculcation theory,and innovate the educational way to ensure the inculcation theory in patriotism education.
作者 杨涛 YANG Tao
机构地区 湖南科技学院
出处 《大学教育科学》 北大核心 2021年第3期39-45,共7页 University Education Science
基金 2019年湖南省教育厅科学研究重点立项项目“地方优秀传统文化推进‘三全育人’工作研究”(19A188)。
关键词 新时代 灌输理论 高校爱国主义教育 核心价值观 时代境遇 实践路径 new era inculcation theory patriotism education in higher education institutions core values current situation practice path