更新日期:2021-07-06     浏览次数:156

摘要 通过调研我国31个省(自治区、直辖市)的164所普通本科高校的2576名在校大学生发现:我国大多数高校构建了兼顾通识教育和专业教育的创新创业课程体系,从创新创业教育实践平台、教材以及选课咨询指导服务等方面丰富了创新创业教育资源;学生对创新创业教育课程及其资源的满意度较高,且通过课程学习他们的创新创业素质提升较大;影响学生创新创业素质提升的主要因素包括学生对创新创业教育专兼职教师、实践平台和选课咨询指导服务的满意度。然而,我国高校创新创业教育课程建设也存在“专创融合”课程开设率不足、专兼职教师配备率较低、创新创业教育课程资源校际共享程度较低、学生缺乏了解其所在高校创新创业教育课程资源等突出问题。为此,建议教育相关部门和高校从创新创业教育课程认知、“专创融合”课程建设、专兼职教师队伍建设、优质资源共享以及课程平台完善等方面健全我国高校创新创业教育课程建设。 This paper conducts a questionnaire survey among 2,576 undergraduate students from 164 general higher education institutions in 31 provinces(autonomous regions and municipalities)of China,and finds that most higher education institutions have established a curriculum system that involves innovation and entrepreneurship general education and innovation and entrepreneurship professional education.They have enriched innovation and entrepreneurship education resources from practice platforms,textbooks,and course selection consulting and guidance services.In addition,students have become more satisfied with their innovation and entrepreneurship education courses and their innovation and entrepreneurship quality get improved,and there are significant differences in the satisfaction of students with different characteristics,and students from different types of institutions and different regions,in innovation and entrepreneurship courses,and the improvement of their innovation and entrepreneurship quality.Besides,factors such as full-time and part-time teachers,innovation and entrepreneurship education practice platforms,and course selection consulting and guidance services have the greatest impact on the improvement of students'innovation and entrepreneurship quality.However,there are also some distinct problems in the curriculum construction of innovation and entrepreneurship education in universities,like insufficient courses offering of innovative education and professional education integration,insufficient number of full-time and part-time teachers,low sharing of innovation and entrepreneurship education courses resources between colleges and universities,and lack of necessary understanding of the curriculum resources among students.Therefore,relevant educational departments and higher education institutions are suggested to improve the curriculum construction of innovation and entrepreneurship education from the aspects of the cognition of innovation and entrepreneurship education courses,the offering of courses
作者 朱恬恬 舒霞玉 ZHU Tian-tian;SHU Xia-yu
出处 《大学教育科学》 北大核心 2021年第3期83-93,共11页 University Education Science
基金 湖南省教育科学“十三五”规划课题“高校创新创业教育课程建设策略研究”(XJK016BGD010)。
关键词 高校 创新创业教育 课程建设 改进策略 higher education institutions innovation and entrepreneurship education curriculum construction improvement strategies