《针灸结合表面肌电训练对脑卒中后下肢运动功能障碍的临床疗效观察》为作者:张超最新的研究成果,本论文的主要观点为目的:探讨针灸结合表面肌电训练对脑卒中后下肢运动功能障碍的影响程度。方法:将80例入组患者随机分为两组,实验组与对照组,两组均进行常规临床按神经内科脑梗死常规药物治疗对症治疗和康复功能训练,实验组在此基础上采取针灸结合表面肌电训练治疗,而对照组则进行常规针灸康复治疗。治疗持续6周,分别于治疗前、治疗结束后进行Fugl-Meyer下肢运动功能、ADL日常生活活动能力、Berg平衡量表评定,并观察各指标评分变化情况。结果:(1)Fugl-Meyer下肢运动功能评定得分提高值的组间比较:治疗结束后组间对比均存在非常显著性差异(p<0。01);(2)ADL日常生活活动能力得分值的组间比较:1疗程后和治疗结束后组间比较均存在显著性差异(p<0。05);(3)Berg平衡评定得分提高值的组间比较:治疗结束后组间对比均存在非常显著性差异(p<0。01)。结论:针灸结合表面肌电训练对脑卒中后下肢运动功能障碍比传统针灸疗法具有更好的治疗效果,能够显著降低脑卒中后下肢的运动功能障碍,促进躯体整体功能的康复。 关键词 :针灸 表面肌电 脑卒中 功能障碍 Abstract:Objective:To discuss the clinical effect of the combination of acupuncture with different Brunnstrom periods and rehabilitation training on upper limb function of ptroke patients。Methods:120 stoke patients were divided into 2 groups,the experimental group and the control group randomly。The 2 groups both received regular clinical therapy and functional rehabilitation trainings。 On this basis, the experimental group was treated by acupuncture with different Brunnstrom periods,while the control group only received regular acupuncture treatment。 The treatment last successive 2 periods。 Assessed their upper limb function after the beginning of the treatment,1 period of the treatment and 2periods of the treatment by Fugl-Meyer upper limb function assessment and NIHSS。 Results:(1)the increase of Fugl-Meyer between 2 groups: there was very significant difference (p<0。01) after treating for 1 period and 2 periods; (2)NIHSS scores between 2 groups: there was significant difference (p<0。05) after treating for 1 period and 2 periods。 Conclusion:Compared with regular acupuncture treatment, the combination of acupuncture with different Brunnstrom periods and rehabilitation training has more advantage in improving the upper limb function of stroke patients and promoting the recovery of their whole body function。 Key wods: Acupuncture with Different Brunnstrom Periods; Rehabilitaation Training; Stroke Patients。不知是否符合录用要求,望您批评与指正。