更新日期:2020-05-27     来源:科学通报   作者:汪莘野  浏览次数:184
核心提示:《物质波非色散传播和超光速运动》为作者:汪莘野最新的研究成果,本论文的主要观点为提要波粒二象性(wave-particle duality)是微观粒子基本属性之

《物质波非色散传播和超光速运动》为作者:汪莘野最新的研究成果,本论文的主要观点为提要 波粒二象性(wave-particle duality)是微观粒子基本属性之一。作为量子力学一项基础概念,波粒二象性理论从基本粒子到大型分子已被大量实验结果证明是正确的。当物质波进行非色散传播时,在一定的条件下,如果波长和能量达到一定数值,其群速度,即波包变化在空间传播的速度,也即粒子传播和信息传递速度有可能超过真空中的光速。根据狭义相对论,光速是宇宙中所有物质运动和信息传递速度的上限,是不能被超过的。希望本文对于理解超光速运动以及探讨量子纠缠机制等科学课题能够提供一个不同的观点。德布罗意关系式和本文论证均未以相对论为前提,所以本文结论具有普适性。 The Wave-Particle Duality is a basic property of microscopic particles。 As a basic concept of quantum mechanics, the wave-particle duality theory from elementary particles to big molecules, had been verified by lots of experiments。 When the wavelength and energy of matter wave in its non-dispersive propagation reach to the definite values, the group velocity with which the overall envelope shape of the wave’s amplitudes –known as the modulation or envelope, namely the related particle’s propagation and information convey speed is possible to exceed over the light speed in vacuum。 According to special relativity theory, the light speed in vacuum is the upper limit in the Universe and no matter can exceed over that。 Wish this paper could provide a different viewpoint for exploration of some scientific problems, such as Faster-Than-Light movement, quantum entanglement mechanism and so on。 As the de Broglie hypothesis and the deduction in this paper did not take relativity theory as premise, the conclusion in this paper should be universality。不知是否符合录用要求,望您批评与指正。