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广告语言词汇及修辞特色的语用分析A Pragmatic Analysis of the Lexical and Rhetorical Features of Advertisement Languag
更新日期:2020-06-09     来源:宁德师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版)   作者:李海英  浏览次数:169
核心提示:《广告语言词汇及修辞特色的语用分析A Pragmatic Analysis of the Lexical and Rhetorical Features of Advertisement Languag》为作者:李海英最新的

《广告语言词汇及修辞特色的语用分析A Pragmatic Analysis of the Lexical and Rhetorical Features of Advertisement Languag》为作者:李海英最新的研究成果,本论文的主要观点为广告商们通过广告实现推销产品、服务和理念的意图;成功的广告能够引起广泛关注,引导潜在消费人群对其心生好感,进而产生购买欲望,最终采取行动,购买其所推荐的产品与服务。好的广告语言崇尚简洁通俗、强调真实性和针对性,同时大量使用能够带来新奇感及引起愉悦联想和体验的词汇,并综合使用各种修辞格。本文旨在从语用的角度对英汉广告语言的词汇和修辞特色加以分析。Advertisers always try to choose the most suitable vocabulary and rhetorical devices that help them achieve their goals of promoting certain products and service。 A pragmatic study of some well-known English and Chinese advertisements is therefore conducted, with an intention to reveal the rules behind some most typical features of advertisement language。不知是否符合录用要求,望您批评与指正。