更新日期:2020-07-02     来源:合成纤维   作者:唐辉  浏览次数:168

《超细旦多孔涤纶DTY纤维的生产技术开发》为作者:饶小坚最新的研究成果,本论文的主要观点为熔体直纺涤纶长丝主要的差别化产品方向是纤维的细旦化,目前国内采取普通直纺技术,国内直纺涤纶长丝常规产品的细度通常在dpf 值0。9-1。4范围,超细旦在dpf 值0。3-1。0范围,但目前本公司成功研制开发的产品已经达到了0。3dtex以下dpf 值。 重点讨论了DTY生产的工艺调试和设备改造优化等,对工艺条件:车速、牵伸、定型、网络、卷绕等原理的分析、调试,找出最优工艺;通过反复改造、调试,找到了最适合的设备组成。研制结果表明:相关工艺及设备的匹配度良好,生产稳定。 关键词:涤纶超细旦丝;多孔涤纶;熔体直纺;POY-DTY Fine Denier is the main differentiated production direction on melt direct spinning。 At present, weare using common direct spinning technology in China, and the common production fineness dpf is between 0。9-1。4; super fine dpf between 0。3-1。0。 However, we have succeeded in developing products dpf below 0。3dtex in our company。 Focus on discussing the processing debugging, equipmentmodification and optimization of producing DTY, searching for the optimum process, after analyzing and debugging on technological conditions, such as speed, drawing, heating, intermingle and winding。 And find out the best suitable equipment after repeated adjusting, debugging。 The result shows: The related process conditions and the equipments match well, the production will be stable。 Key words: polyester super fine denier yarn; high-filament polyester; melt direct spinning; POY-DTY。不知是否符合录用要求,望您批评与指正。