更新日期:2020-09-25     来源:燃气涡轮试验与研究   作者:杜鹏飞  浏览次数:259

《DD6单晶叶片高温振动疲劳试验技术研究》为作者:杜鹏飞最新的研究成果,本论文的主要观点为本文介绍了DD6低涡叶片高温振动疲劳试验方法。研究了高频感应加温的原理,考虑集肤效应、端部效应设计了高频感应加温线圈,获得了均匀的温度场;通过夹具定位系统的设计,保证了更换叶片时温度场的精确性和有效性;通过理论研究结合有限元仿真获得了高温状态下叶尖振幅与最大振动应力的关系,实现了高温环境下通过叶尖振幅对应力控制。在此基础上完成了低涡叶片的高温振动疲劳试验,获得了最低疲劳极限,为工程设计提供了试验依据。 关键词:振动疲劳试验;高频感应;温度场;有限元;低涡叶片;疲劳极限 The HCF Test Technology Research with High Temperature of monocrystal (DD6) LPT blade DU Peng-fei1,JIANG Rui1,LI Xun1,LIU Yue-Cong1 The method of HCF (high cycle fatigue) test with high temperature of LPT (low pressure turbine) blade is introduced in this test。 In order to simulate the equal temperature field on blade, the high-frequency induction coil was created by considering the skin effect and the end effect。 Meanwhile, the clamp with position fixation was designed for the stability and validity temperature field of during blades changing。 Moreover, the relationship between blade tip vibration distance and maximum stress on the blade was required on the base of theory research combined with finite element method, by which the stress of blade can by well controlled on high temperature condition。 Finally, the HCF test was carried out and the minimum high cycle fatigue limit was tested which should be considered as an important test value for LPT blade design。 Keywords: HCF test, high-frequency induction, temperature field, finite element method, LPT blade, minimum high cycle fatigue limit。不知是否符合录用要求,望您批评与指正。