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A study of the bluest eyes from perspective of Post-colonial and Feminism
更新日期:2020-12-24     来源:乐山师范学院学报   作者:王利菊  浏览次数:181
核心提示:最新的研究成果,本论文的主要观点为Toni Morrison, winner of Nobel Prize for literature, is an extraordinary black woman writer in America。 H

最新的研究成果,本论文的主要观点为Toni Morrison, winner of Nobel Prize for literature, is an extraordinary black woman writer in America。 Her works are well-known for lively images,abundant emotions and impressive ideas。 The novel, the bluest eyes describes the tragic fate of black women oppressed by whites American and male from all kinds of perspectives。 Black women and girls, as representatives of vulnerable groups, have attracted much attention all over the world。 Therefore, this paper uses post-colonial feminism theory to interpret "the bluest eyes" from the two angles of gender and race。 This paper reveals the distortion of the hearts of black women and girls and the loss of self-subjectivity in the mainstream American culture, that is, the white American culture in the bluest eyes。 Therefore, black women, black girls and even all women are called upon to actively strive for their own rights and protect themselves。不知是否符合录用要求,望您批评与指正。