更新日期:2021-05-17     浏览次数:169

摘要 本文参照EN71-3黏稠性玩具样品处理方法,建立了电感耦合等离子体质谱法(ICP-MS)测定水晶泥玩具材料中硼元素迁移量的检测方法。对该方法的同位素选择、线性范围和检出限、加标回收率和精密度、实际样品测试等进行了讨论。结果表明,该方法的线性范围宽,ICP-MS测定硼元素线性相关系数可达0.9996,该方法加标回收率为90.60%,相对标准偏差在4.40%。建立的ICP-MS法测定水晶泥玩具材料中硼元素具有检出限低、精密度高、简便快速等优点,可用于水晶泥玩具材料中硼元素迁移的定量分析。 Focusing on the removable boron elements from children’s toy slime, the paper discusses the boundaries, the linear range, the precision and the recovery of the rates,by referring to the sample treatment method of EN71-3 with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry to determine the boron element in the children’s toy slime. The test results showed that the method had a wide linear range with a linear correlation coefficient at 0.9996, an additive recovery rate at 90.60% and a relative standard deviation at 4.40%. Thus the method of ICP-MS has such advantages as wide linear range, low detection limit, high precision and fast and simple determination of boron portable element in slime toys.
作者 李学洋 李晶 张婧 杨雪 刘凤娟 张晓红 LI Xue-Yang;LI Jing;ZHANG Jing;YANG Xue;LIU Feng-Juan;ZHANG Xiao-Hong(Industrial Product Safety Technologey Center,Tianjin Customs,Tianjin 300308)
出处 《中国口岸科学技术》 2021年第2期33-37,共5页 China Port Science and Technology
基金 天津市科技计划项目(17ZXFWGX00020)。
关键词 水晶泥 硼含量 ICP-MS 可迁移元素 定量分析 slime migrated boron content ICP-MS migration of certain elements quantitative analysis