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更新日期:2021-05-17     浏览次数:205

摘要 体育课程思政建设是学校体育落实"立德树人"教育要求的基础工程,在"立德树人"视域下开展体育课程思政建设已经成为体育课程与教学改革领域的重点议题。运用文献资料法、比较分析法等研究方法,系统探讨了体育课程思政建设的学理要义及践行向度。研究认为:在释读体育课程思政建设学理的进程中,需要正确辨识"育体"与"铸魂"同向的体育课程思政建设学理起点,将学生道德修养的培育与身体教育统一在学校体育课程的实施过程中,指导体育课程更加能动地承担培养学生社会责任和核心素养的使命与任务,帮助学生养成在面对困难和失败时能够从容处置与应对的优秀意志品质。在设计体育课程思政建设的践行向度时,需要优化思想政治教育因素在体育课堂中的呈现方式,促进体育课程与其他学科课程之间的思政资源互补及共享,拓展思想政治教育信息与素材在体育课程思政建设中的协同路径,形成带有激励性质和动态特征的体育课程思政资源整合体系,推动多元主体参与的体育课程思政建设常态评估,进而提升体育课程思政建设在"立德树人"教育要求中的针对性和实效性。 Integrating ideological and political education into the PE curriculum is a basic project for on-campus PE to fulfill the educational task of"Strengthening Moral Education to Cultivate People("Li De Shu Ren")";carrying out such a project from the perspective of"Strengthening Moral Education to Cultivate People"has become a key topic in PE curriculum and teaching reforms.By using the research methods of literature review and comparative analysis,this paper systematically probes into the theoretical essentials and implementation of integrating ideological and political education into the PE curriculum.The research holds that when interpreting the theory of integrating ideological and political education into the PE curriculum,it is necessary to correctly identify the integration’s theoretical starting point of developing both the"body"and"mind",integrate moral education and physical education into implementing the PE curriculum,guide the PE curriculum to more actively undertake the mission of cultivating students’sense of social responsibility and key competencies,and help students develop the quality of dealing with difficulties and failures properly.When it comes to implementation,it is necessary to optimize the way in which ideological and political educational factors are presented in PE lessons,promote the complementarity and sharing of ideological and political resources between PE and other disciplines,increase opportunities for integrating ideological and political educational information and material into the PE curriculum,and form an integrated system of PE-related ideological and political resources,one that is dynamic and characterize by incentives.It is also necessary to carry out regular multi-subject evaluation,so as to make the integration more relevant to and effective at fulfilling the educational task of"Strengthening Moral Education to Cultivate People".
作者 赵富学 焦家阳 赵鹏 ZHAO Fu-xue;JIAO Jia-yang;ZHAO Peng(School of Physical Education,Wuhan Sports University,Wuhan 430079,Hubei China;Hubei Collaborative Innovation Center for Scientific Sports and Health Promotion,Wuhan Sports University,Wuhan 430079,Hubei China;Research and Demonstration Center for Integrating Ideological and Political Education into PE,Wuhan Sports University,Wuhan 430079,Hubei China)
出处 《北京体育大学学报》 北大核心 2021年第3期72-81,共10页 JOURNAL OF BEIJING SPORT UNIVERSITY
基金 中国博士后科学基金第68批面上资助项目“产出导向的体育教育专业认证模式构建及推行研究”(项目编号:2020M682455) 武汉体育学院学科建设专项重点项目“立德树人视域下课程思政助推体育学科建设的理论与实践研究”(项目编号:XKB202103)。
关键词 立德树人 体育课程思政 学校体育 体育课程 体育教学 strengthen moral education to cultivate people integrate ideological and political education into the PE curriculum PE curriculum PE teaching