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更新日期:2021-05-17     浏览次数:218

摘要 以阐述第2届中国国际体能大会主要专题热点为目的,以竞技体能理论与实践前沿为主题,邀请来自国际体能训练研究与实践领域的16位专家对现代体能训练、力量训练、速度训练、负荷监控、动作功能、专项体能和执教艺术等12个前沿专题进行分享,为体能训练专业学者、体能训练从业者和体育院校师生提供了一场高质量学术盛宴。其中,力量专题重点探讨了跳跃及变向运动员的软组织刚度训练、抗阻训练的能量代谢通路;速度专题重点介绍了最大速度测试及训练策略以及速度数据在团体项目和力量训练中的应用;负荷监控专题重点介绍了负荷的分类及监控的目的和意义;动作专题主要探讨了功能性训练的概念与应用;专项体能专题重点探讨了游泳项目和冰上项目的体能训练方法应用;执教艺术专题主要介绍了执教语言的目的和方法应用。通过Ebsco、Ovid、CNKI等数据库进行相关文献检索,对大会专题报告的主要观点进行了梳理提炼,对我国体能训练研究和竞技体能实践的科学化进程具有较高的参考价值和借鉴意义。 This paper aims at expounding the main subjects widely discussed at the second China International Strength and Conditioning Conference,the theme of which is Leading-edge Theory and Practice in Strength and Conditioning for High Performance Sports,and 16 experts are invited to discuss strength training,speed training,load monitoring,movement function,sport-specific strength and conditioning and the art of coaching etc.Among them,the focus of strength training is on the energy metabolic pathways of soft tissue stiffness training and resistance training for athletes requiring jumping and change of direction.The focus of speed training is on the maximum speed test and training strategy as well as the application of speed data in team sports and strength training.The focus of load monitoring is on the classification of training load and the purpose and significance of monitoring.The movement session mainly discusses the concept and application of functional training.Sport-specific strength and conditioning mainly focuses on the physical fitness training methods for swimming and ice sports.The art of coaching mainly introduces the purpose and application of coaching language.Combined with a literature review by resorting to Ebsco,Ovid and CNKI,this paper summarizes the key points raised at the conference,and is therefore valuable and significant for the reference of research on strength and conditioning training and the practice of strength and conditioning for high performance sports in China.
作者 李卫 阙怡琳 石煜 冯海涛 LI Wei;QUE Yi-lin;SHI Yu;FENG Hai-tao(Beijing Sport University,Beijing 100084,China)
机构地区 北京体育大学
出处 《北京体育大学学报》 北大核心 2021年第3期114-128,共15页 JOURNAL OF BEIJING SPORT UNIVERSITY
基金 国家重点研发计划项目“冬季项目优秀运动员体能训练关键技术研究”(项目编号:2019YFF0301601)。
关键词 中国体能大会 竞技体育 体能训练 力量训练 专项体能 China Strength and Conditioning Conference high performance sports physical fitness training strength training sport-specific strength and conditioning