Na2CO3 助熔剂与基于石棉尾矿微晶陶瓷晶相转变和理化性能的关联规律探索
更新日期:2021-05-18     浏览次数:175

摘要 以石棉尾矿为主要原料,Na2CO3作为助熔剂,采用一次烧结法制备出以镁橄榄石为主晶相的微晶陶瓷。采用X射线衍射分析、场发射扫描电子显微镜等测试手段对不同条件制备的微晶陶瓷样品进行表征,研究了烧结温度、Na2CO3添加量对微晶陶瓷晶相转变、显微结构和理化性能的影响。结果表明:未添加Na2CO3时,提高烧结温度仅使赤铁矿消失;当Na2CO3添加量为4%(质量分数,下同)时,赤铁矿与顽火辉石消失。高温烧结过程中赤铁矿与顽火辉石逐渐转化为镁铁尖晶石和镁橄榄石。Na2CO3添加量为4%(质量分数)时,在烧结温度1150℃条件下制备的微晶陶瓷的理化性能达到最佳,其体积密度、线性收缩率、抗折强度分别为2.85 g/cm3、11.4%、65.4 MPa。添加Na2CO3对石棉尾矿微晶陶瓷晶相转变及理化性能具有重要的影响。 Microcrystalline ceramic with forsterite as the main crystal phase was produced through one-time method using asbestos tailings as the main raw material and Na2CO3as the fluxing agent.The influence of sintering temperature and contents of Na2CO3on the crystalline phases,mechanical properites and microstructure were invested using X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microsopy to determine these preparing microcrystalline ceramics.The results obtained show that Na2CO3content is 0%,the increase of sintering temperature would only lead to the disappearance of hematite.Hematite and enstatite had disappeared when Na2CO3content is 4%,hematite and enstatite converted into magnesioferrite and forsterite gradually during the sintering process.The microcrystalline ceramic achieved optimum mechanical proerites at the sintering temperature of 1150℃and 4%Na2CO3content with the bulk density being 2.85 g/cm3,the liner shrinkage being 11.4%and the flexural strength being 65.4 MPa.Na2CO3plays an important role in the crystal phase transformation and mechanical properties improvement of microcrystalline ceramics prepared by asbestos tailings.
作者 周果 孙红娟 彭同江 ZHOU Guo;SUN Hongjuan;PENG Tongjiang(Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education for Solid Waste Treatment and Resource Recycle,Southwest University of Science and Technology,Mianyang 621010,China;Institute of Mineral Materials and Applications,Southwest University of Science and Technology,Mianyang 621010,China;Center of Forecating and Analysis,Southwest University of Science and Technology,Mianyang 621010,China)
出处 《材料导报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第7期7013-7018,7026,共7页 Materials Reports
基金 国家重点研发项目(2018YFC1802902) 西南科技大学龙山学术人才科研支持团队项目(17LZXT11)。
关键词 助熔剂 石棉尾矿 微晶陶瓷 晶相半定量 fluxing agent asbestos tailings microcrystalline ceramic crystal semi-quantitative