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摘要 无机工业固废纤维化利用是当前资源循环利用领域的研究热点之一,该技术的研发和产业化推广不仅能将廉价的固废资源转变成高价值纤维类产品,也能有效地节省自然资源的开发和保护生态环境。传统的岩棉、石棉、玻璃和玄武岩纤维类产品生产均需开采大量的自然资源。近几十年工业高速发展产生的大量工业固废急需开发利用,从化学组成上比较,所得固废与其相关产品所需原料十分接近,可以通过多种固废的复配和工艺调控实现类似产品的生产,如固废基矿棉、连续纤维等。矿棉类产品经过几十年的研发和投入,产业化产品基本取代了石棉和岩棉类产品。近些年,连续纤维的研发也日渐兴起,无论是理论研究,还是设备的开发进展迅速。利用无机工业固废研发纤维产品,可以充分借鉴玻璃纤维和玄武岩纤维方面的研究积累。工业固废是工业生产的副产物,其化学组成虽与传统纤维原料雷同,但物相组成均异,特别在高温熔融特性、多固废升温共融和熔体特性研究方面是需要突破的重点。当前研究证明由于物相差异导致的熔融特性差异困难完全可以克服。可通过调控固废混料内含的有价组分研发出具有突出功能的纤维类产品,如优于玻璃和玄武岩纤维的耐高温性、热稳定性纤维产品。本文从生产工艺、关键装备、化学组成、高温熔融特性和纤维表面改性几方面详细论述了无机工业固废纤维的研发进展,对短纤维和连续纤维在工艺装备方面的异同做了详细的阐述,并对固废基纤维未来的发展进行展望。 The fibers produced by inorganic solid waste is one of the research focuses on the resource recycling field.It can not only transform waste resources into high-value fiber products but also effectively avoid the exploitation of natural resources and protect the ecological environment.The produce of traditional fibers,such as rock wool,asbestos,glass,and basalt fibers,need consuming a lot of natural resources.Over the last few decades,a large amount of industrial solid waste generated by industrial production is in urgent need of recycling and utilization.In contrast,the chemical composition of the solid wastes are very close to the natural mineral required for the above fibers.That makes the fibers produced from industry solid wastes possible through multiple solid wastes mix with each other and advance in the technology process.The waste-based short fiber,namely,mineral wool products,has replaced asbestos and rock wool in recent decades.In recent years,waste-based continuous fiber has attracted a lot of attention.Whether theoretical or equipment research progress quickly.On the study of solid waste-based fibers,much literature on traditional inorganic fiber can give help,such as high-temperature melting and fiber forming process as well as fiber equipment.A problem that must be solved is the difference in phase composition between natural mineral and so-lid waste even if the chemical constituent is very similar by artificial regulation.The key technologies are the learn about the high-temperature mel-ting and multi-solid waste co-melting.Current research indicates that these technical difficulties can overcome.Moreover,the excellent functional fiber products may be prepared by utilizing the characteristics of solid waste raw,such as unusually high temperature resistance and thermal stability.In this paper,the study progress on the waste-based fibers is discussed in detail from several aspects:production technology,crucial equipment,chemical composition,the characteristics of high-temperature melting of a variety
作者 张金才 王志英 程芳琴 ZHANG Jincai;WANG Zhiying;CHENG Fangqin(State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory of Efficient Utilization of Waste Resources,Institute of Resource and Environmental Engineering,Shanxi University,Taiyuan 030006,China)
出处 《材料导报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第7期7019-7026,共8页 Materials Reports
基金 山西省重大科技专项项目(MC2014-06 20181101004)以及山西大学人才专项项目(0228-228545021)。
关键词 工业固废 无机纤维 化学组成 成纤工艺 粘度 industry solid waste inorganic fibers chemical composition fiber forming process viscosity