更新日期:2021-05-18     浏览次数:143

摘要 针对某船用压水堆,为使其释放更多的燃料包壳峰值温度安全裕量,采用最佳估算加不确定性分析方法,并结合基于统计学的输入不确定传播方法,利用最佳估算程序RELAP5/MOD3.2对船用压水堆破口当量直径为10 mm的小破口失水事故的瞬态过程进行了模拟;自主开发了基于MATLAB数学软件的批量处理模块AE-RELAP5,对输入参数的不确定性进行了量化评估;分析了选取不确定性输入参数和基于Wilks公式的蒙特卡罗不确定性分析方法,模拟确定了不同方案的燃料包壳峰值温度。研究表明:计算结果均满足安全验收准则,反应堆可实现堆芯的自我冷却,且堆芯的自我缓解措施能够抵抗一定的外在扰动;在预定条件下,包壳峰值温度计算结果对堆芯功率和高压安注流量较为敏感,为事故处置优化提供了理论依据。 To improve the safety margin of PCT,the BEPU analysis method was adopted.based on the statistical methods of input uncertainty propagation,the transient process of SB-LOCA(the equivalent diameter of the break is 10 mm)was simulated by the best estimation program RELAP5/MOD3.2 for a shipboard reactor.A batch processing module AE-RELAP5 based on mathematical software MATLAB was developed to evaluate the uncertainty of input parameters.The selection of uncertain input parameters were analyzed and the Montecarlo uncertainty analysis method based on Wilks formula,and the peak temperature of fuel cladding was determined by simulation.The analysis results meet the safety acceptance criteria,the calculation results of PCT were sensitive to the total power of the reactor and the high pressure injection flow,which provides the theoretical basis for optimization of accident disposal.
作者 陈玉清 魏柯 刘家磊 CHEN Yu-qing;WEI Ke;LIU Jia-lei(College of Nuclear Science and Technology,Naval Univ.of Engineering,Wuhan 430033,China;Unit No.92609,Beijing 100077,China)
出处 《海军工程大学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2021年第1期89-94,共6页 Journal of Naval University of Engineering
关键词 船用压水堆 SB-LOCA 不确定性分析 敏感性分析 shipboard reactor SB-LOCA uncertainty analysis sensitivity analysis