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更新日期:2021-05-18     浏览次数:143

摘要 "一带一路"沿线各国经济发展和外汇储备水平参差不齐,跨境支付结算环境各异,市场信息严重不对称。这些问题制约了中国与沿线国家开展跨境贸易合作的规模和效率。区块链分布式存储、不可篡改和时间戳等技术特性有助于构建公开、透明和实时的市场环境,在跨境贸易领域具有广阔的应用前景。各国政府部门参与的跨境贸易联盟链,以各国政府公信力提供背书,实现实时监管,并对加强联盟链上各国合作、共同维护跨境贸易规范运行和治理、打击跨国犯罪具有重要意义。中国构建与中亚五国的跨境贸易联盟链,将充分发挥中国经济体量优势提升地区贸易活跃度,增强中国区块链技术标准的国际影响力,同时,也可以作为数字货币和主权国家间区块链合作的试点沙盒,为国家数字货币推行和区块链的国际合作提供实践场景和思路。 Market information asymmetry prevails in countries alongside the Belt and Road Initiative(BRI).Significant differences in cross-border settlement and foreign reserves also constrain the expected scale and volume of crossborder trade between China and these countries.We propose a blockchain-based mechanism with the technological features of distributional storage,traceability and tamper proof data that aims to enhance information transparency and therefore cooperation among regulatory departments and financial institutions of Central Asia and China.This has the purpose of establishing a more effective and competition friendly cross-border market place.Building a consortium blockchain with trusted regulatory nodes,such as custom and audit administration that focuses on cross-border trade between China and Central Asia,will fully leverage governmental endorsement and the scale advantage of China’s economy into upgrading trade activity and digital transformation progress in the region.Additionally,it will elevate the international influence of Chinese blockchain technology.Such a proposal can play the role of sand box for digital currency and international blockchain cooperation among sovereign states.
作者 黄海涛 罗纯 Huang Haitao;Luo Chun
出处 《南开学报:哲学社会科学版》 北大核心 2021年第2期98-110,共13页 Nankai Journal:Philosophy,Literature and Social Science Edition
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目(20AGJ010)。
关键词 “一带一路” 跨境贸易 中亚五国 区块链 信任机制 "Belt and Road Initiative" Cross-border Trade Five Central Asia States Blockchain Trust Mechanism