更新日期:2021-05-18     浏览次数:155

摘要 针对当前山体城市在城市发展过程中为突破用地瓶颈向山要地,在国土空间规划中如何避免城市“摊大饼”式发展,以景德镇为例,从宏观到微观进行山体综合保护和修复规划研究。在宏观上,对历史山体格局演变、削山造城分析,山体城市自身生态敏感性较高,并识别重点修复地区;从中观上利用GIS对山体生态价值、景观价值、地质安全进行综合评估,并划定山体保护绿线和限建区范围;从微观上提出三类修复方式,分别为生态保护型、风景游憩型、再生利用型,并提出山体修复技术指引。 At present,mountain city break through the bottleneck of land use in the process of urban development.This paper studied on the comprehensive protection and restoration of mountains from macro to meso and then to micro-scale in Jingdezhen City.First,from the natural mountain pattern of macro scale,the mountains'disappearance mainly lied in the transformation of urban expansion.The ecological environment of Jingdezhen is sensitive based on ecological sensitivity analysis,and the key restoration areas were spatial identified.And then in the middle,through value assessment of the mountains,green lines of mountain protection were delimited and the same time the surrounding areas of the mountains were controlled of building height.And last in microcosm,three restoration methods are proposed,which are ecological protection,landscape recreation and regeneration.Different methods are needed to repair the damaged mountains,and the technical guidelines to repair mountain were proposed.
作者 杜嘉丹 周杨军 赵祥 李璇 DU Jia-dan;ZHOU Yang-jun;ZHAO Xiang;LI Xuan(China Academy of Urban Planning&Design Shanghai Branch,Shanghai 200335,China)
出处 《环境生态学》 2021年第4期49-59,共11页 Environmental Ecology
关键词 历史山体格局演变 山体保护绿线 破损山体修复类型 山体修复技术指引 Historical mountain pattern evolution green line of mountain protection damaged mountain restoration type technical guidelines to repair mountain