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摘要 【目的】筛选适合宁夏地区设施栽培的百合品种,探索百合盆栽技术,为寻求适合宁夏地区种植的百合品种提供科学依据.【方法】以12种东方系百合盆栽品种为引种试材,通过观测和统计21个植物学性状指标,应用层次分析法从花性状、茎叶性状、生长适应性和抗病性4个方面构建盆栽东方百合品种的综合评价体系.【结果】采用5分制评分法综合筛选出4个适宜宁夏地区盆栽的观赏百合新品种,即Starlight Experss(综合得分4.70)、Entertainer(综合得分4.45)、Souvenir(综合得分4.35)、Little Rainbow(综合得分4.25).此外,利用镜检和RT-PCR分子生物学相结合检测技术,发现Starlight Express、Entertainer、Little Rainbow和Souvenir均被1种病害侵染,其他品种被2~4种病害侵染.【结论】筛选出的这4个品种抗病性强,适合作为盆栽百合品种栽培. 【Objective】In order to screen out the lily cultivars suitable for cultivation in Ningxia and provide relevant scientific basis of planting and production.【Method】A comprehensive evaluation system for potted oriental lily cultivars was established using analytic hierarchy process from 4 perspectives of floral traits,leaf traits,growth adaptability and disease resistance by measuring 21 botanical indexes of 12 potted oriental lily cultivars.【Result】Starlight Experss,Entertainer,Souvenir and Little Rainbow were suitable for planting in Ningxia,and their scores were 4.70,4.45,4.35 and 4.25 respectively.In addition,it was found that Little Rainbow,Souvenir,Starlight Express and Entertainer were infected by 1 disease,and other varieties were 2 to 4 diseases by using microscopic examination and RT-PCR molecular technology.【Conclusion】Starlight Experss,Entertainer,Souvenir and Little Rainbow were suitable cultivars in Ningxia and they were disease resistant.
作者 张红升 陈萍 王培 安磊 罗爱华 廖伟彪 ZHANG Hongsheng;CHEN Ping;WANG Pei;AN Lei;LUO Aihua;LIAO Weibiao(Department of Biological and Pharmaceutical Technology,Ningxia Polytechnic College,Yinchuan 750021,China;College of Horticulture,Gansu Agricultural University,Lanzhou 730070,China)
出处 《甘肃农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第1期58-65,共8页 Journal of Gansu Agricultural University
基金 宁夏职业技术学院科研发展基金项目(XJ201701) 宁夏回族自治区高等学校科学研究项目(NGY2015217) 宁夏回族自治区科技创新领军人才项目(KJT2016007).
关键词 东方百合 盆栽 层次分析法(AHP) 病害 综合评价 oriental lily potted planting:analytic hierarchy process(AHP) disease comprehensive evaluation