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摘要 从欧盟个人数据保护相关立法的变迁可以发现,个人数据从隐私权保护的传统模式开始出现向财产权保护模式过渡的迹象。这并不意味着数据产业界的新机会,而是调节数据主体与数据控制者之间日益失衡关系的新尝试。财产权保护模式有着隐私权保护模式无可比拟的优势,却也存在权利定性和范围界定上的困难。与非个人数据更为鲜明的财产属性不同,个人数据上的民事权益应该构建为一个以数据主体的财产利益为基础、以数据控制者对个人数据的占有利益为核心的财产法益体系。数据控制者及其义务作为个人数据财产法益体系的中心,才能在保护数据主体和发挥数据效用之间保持平衡。 From the changes in the legislation related to personal data protection in EU, personal data protection seems to be shifting from privacy to property. It does not mean there are new opportunities for data industry, but it is a new attempt to adjust the increasingly unbalanced relationship between data subjects and data controllers. The property protection model has the unparalleled advantages compared with the privacy protection model, while there are also difficulties in the definition of the civil rights and legal interests. In the text of EU legislations, the personal interest of the data subjects is the origin of the other data legal interests. The obligations of data controllers should be emphasized in the property legislation system to keep the balance between data subjects and controllers.
作者 任丹丽 REN Danli(Law School,Southeast University,Nanjing Jiangsu 211189,China)
机构地区 东南大学法学院
出处 《法学论坛》 北大核心 2021年第2期89-98,共10页 Legal Forum
基金 国家重点研发计划《面向诉讼全流程的一体化便民服务技术及装备研究》(2018YFC0830200) 2019年中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助课题(2242019S30019)的部分研究成果
关键词 数据主体 数据控制者 占有 财产化 个人数据财产法益 data subject data controller possession propertization property interests system of personal data