更新日期:2021-05-18     浏览次数:155

摘要 一人公司与股东之间存在紧密的利益联系,无论是股东为公司担保还是公司为股东担保,都属于商业活动中的正常交易安排。一人公司为股东担保具有无可替代的融资价值,且在功能上并不等同于股东以股权作为债权的一般担保。若债权人的利益受到关联担保的损害,债权人可以通过法人人格否认等事后制度予以救济,故而一人公司的关联担保具有价值上的正当性。《公司法》第16条的适用对象并不包括一人公司,现行法也未限制一人公司的关联担保能力,因此一人公司为股东担保的效力应予肯定。至于公司债权人的利益,可以通过一人公司的法人人格否认制度予以保护。在实质一人公司为股东提供担保时,其效力在解释上亦应与形式一人公司保持一致。在具体诉讼中,则可以通过证明责任倒置解决实质一人公司认定困难的问题。 The guarantee from the shareholder to the company, or from the company to the shareholder, is a normal transaction arrangement in business activities, due to the close relationship between single member LLC. and its shareholder. For the shareholder, the guarantee form single member LLC. has value legitimacy, because it has irreplaceable financial value and is different from which the shareholder treat the stock right as the general security. Article 16 of the Company Law does not apply to single member LLC., and the current law does not limit the related guarantee ability of single member LLC.. Therefore, the validity of the related guarantee offered by single member LLC. shall be affirmed. As for the interests of the company creditors, the rule of piercing the corporate veil can offer protection. When the substantial single member LLC. offer guarantee to its shareholder, the validity should be consistent with that of single member LLC.. In the specific litigation, the problem of identification of single member LLC. can be solved by reversing the burden of proof.
作者 范佳慧 FAN Jiahui(Research Center of Civil and Commercial Law Science,Renmin University of China,Beijing 100872,China)
出处 《法学论坛》 北大核心 2021年第2期111-120,共10页 Legal Forum
基金 中国人民大学科学研究基金(中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助)重大项目《民法典担保法的解释与适用》(20XNL003)的研究成果。
关键词 一人公司 关联担保 融资价值 目的限缩 证明责任 single member LLC. related guarantee financial value purposive limiting methods burden of proof