更新日期:2021-05-18     浏览次数:245

摘要 [目的/意义]随着5G时代的到来,短视频的信息传播成为引导网民舆情的重要工具,如何运用政务短视频导控网络舆情成为政府面临的新挑战。[方法/过程]将政务短视频网络舆情分为舆情事件、网民和政务短视频三个子系统,借助Vensim PLE软件,构建政务短视频网络舆情多主体应对仿真模型,并结合具体案例"黑龙江疫情反弹"仿真分析子系统中各影响因素之间的相互作用关系,探究政务短视频网络舆情传播的动态机制。[结果/结论]结果表明:政务短视频网络舆情受舆情事件、网民、政务短视频子系统及其相关因素的共同影响。因此,政务短视频可以通过控制三个子系统的相关因素,有效应对和导控网络舆情。 [Purpose/significance]With the advent of 5 G era,information dissemination of short videos has become an important tool to guide netizens’public opinions.How to use short videos of government affairs to guide and control online public opinions has become a new challenge for the government.[Method/process]Short video network public opinion can be divided into public opinion events,Internet users and government affairs short video three subsystems,by using Vensim PLE software,construction of government affairs short video network public opinion multi-agent simulation model,combined with the specific case"bounce"HeiLongJiang outbreak simulation subsystem in the interaction relationship between various influencing factors,to explore the dynamic mechanism of public opinion in its short video network transmission.[Result/conclusion]The results show that the public opinion of short video network of government affairs is influenced by public opinion events,netizens,subsystem of short video of government affairs and related factors.Therefore,the government short video can effectively deal with and guide the risk exhibition of network public opinion by controlling the relevant factors of the three subsystems.
作者 祁凯 韦晓玉 郑瑞 Qi Kai(不详)
出处 《情报理论与实践》 北大核心 2021年第3期115-121,130,共8页 Information Studies:Theory & Application
基金 黑龙江省哲学社会科学研究规划项目“大数据环境下突发公共危机事件风险识别及网络社会治理研究”(项目编号:17GLB025) 黑龙江省博士后科研启动基金项目“突发公共危机事件网络集群动态演化规律及多元主体协同治理研究”(项目编号:LBH-Q19114) 哈尔滨师范大学研究生学术创新项目“大数据环境下网民情感导向对网络群体极化的作用机制研究”(项目编号:HSDSSCX2019-60)的成果之一。
关键词 政务短视频 网络舆情 系统动力学 传播机制 演化分析 government short video online public opinion system dynamics dissemination mechanism evolution analysis