更新日期:2021-05-18     浏览次数:239

摘要 在大数据环境下,数据支撑的可视化报道方式应运而生,装备情报动态作为装备科技信息的信息尖兵,迫切需要应用这种新型报道方式。文章从分析装备情报动态可视化报道应用需求出发,阐述了可视化报道的应用维度、呈现方式、实现过程、应用条件,为未来融合多种呈现形式的装备情报动态可视化报道实现提供了思路与方法。 Data-supported visualized reporting emerges in the age of big data,and it is in urgent need to report the latest equipment information in a visualized way.Starting from an analysis of the demand for visualized reporting of equipment information,this paper expounds on the application scope,presentation forms,implementation process and application conditions of visualized reporting,providing ideas and methods for realizing multi-form visualized reporting of equipment information in the future.
作者 王三梅 刘晓鹏 赵晋巍 武帅 肖健 Wang Sanmei(不详)
出处 《情报理论与实践》 北大核心 2021年第3期131-135,142,共6页 Information Studies:Theory & Application
关键词 装备情报 装备数据 可视化报道 equipment information equipment data visualized reporting