更新日期:2021-05-18     浏览次数:147

摘要 1988年8月,费孝通先生在香港中文大学“Tanner演讲”上发表了题为“中华民族的多元一体格局”的重要论述,这一理论成果全面概括和总结了中华民族的形成和发展规律,在学术界影响甚远。近三十年来,学术界关于“中华民族多元一体格局”理论研究成果颇多,研究角度也呈现多元化特点。文章围绕“中华民族多元一体格局”理论的形成与发展,就学术界近三十年来对这一理论的研究进行梳理,力求探寻“中华民族多元一体格局”研究的更大空间。 In August 1988,at the Chinese University of Hong Kong,Mr.Fei Xiaotong gave an important speech on"the pluralistic and integrated pattern of the Chinese nation."This theoretical achievement of Mr.Fei Xiaotong summarized the laws of the formation and development of the Chinese nation,he combined theory with practice and the study of minority nationalities and Han nationality,so the academic circles began to carry out in-depth discussion around this theory.In the past 30 years,there have been a lot of academic achievements on the theory of"the pattern of pluralistic integration of the Chinese nation".based on the theory of"the pattern of pluralistic integration of the Chinese nation",this paper sorts out the academic research on this theory for more than 30 years,trying to summarize the research results,explore the academic rules,and seek for the research space.
作者 张琳 袁丽霞 ZHANG Lin;YUAN Li-Xia(Xizang Minzu University,Xianyang 712082,China)
机构地区 西藏民族大学
出处 《赤峰学院学报:汉文哲学社会科学版》 2021年第3期25-29,共5页 Journal of Chifeng University:Philosophy and Social Science Chinese Edition
基金 国家社科基金项目“新时代西藏高校‘五观’教育协同机制建设研究”(20BMZ036)。
关键词 多元一体 中华民族 综述 Diversity in One The Chinese Nation Overview