更新日期:2021-05-18     浏览次数:198

摘要 通过混凝土表面水分蒸发、毛细管负压试验,探讨高吸水性树脂(SAP)对低水胶比高强混凝土塑性阶段抗裂性能的影响。混凝土单位面积水分蒸发量越大,塑性阶段开裂数量、开裂面积越大;毛细管负压增长曲线越平缓,混凝土初始裂缝出现时间越迟;一定范围内SAP额外引水量比越大,混凝土单位面积水分蒸发量和水分蒸发速率越小,毛细管负压增长曲线越平缓,混凝土塑性阶段抗裂性能越好。 The effect of super-absorbent polymer(SAP)on the plastic-shrinkage cracking of high-strength concrete with low water-binder ratio during plastic stage was studied through the experiments of evaporation of water on concrete surface and capillary pressure.The test results show that the number and area of cracks in the plastic stage are proportional to the water evaporated and evaporation rate,and the time of initial plastic-shrinkage cracks is proportional to the time of turning point of capillary pressure curve of concrete.The larger addition of SAP,the smaller the water evaporation and evaporation rate,the later the capillary pressure inflection point appears,and the better the crack resistance of concrete during plastic stage.
作者 于韵 王晓玭 邓芳明 YU Yun;WANG Xiaopin;DENG Fangming(Nanchang University College of Science and Technology,Nanchang 330029,China;East China Jiaotong University,Nanchang 330013,China)
出处 《混凝土》 CAS 北大核心 2021年第3期27-30,34,共5页 Concrete
基金 国家自然科学基金(51767006) 江西省教育厅科学技术重点项目(161512)。
关键词 高吸水性树脂 低水胶比 塑性开裂 水分蒸发 毛细管负压 super-absorbent polymer low water-binder ratio plastic-shrinkage cracking evaporation of water capillary pressure