更新日期:2021-05-18     浏览次数:166

摘要 为研究型钢混凝土柱在拉-弯-剪复合受力下的抗震性能,对13根试件进行了低周反复荷载试验,观察型钢混凝土柱的破坏形态,研究其滞回曲线特性和延性特征,主要分析了剪跨比、轴拉比和偏心距对柱延性的影响,并给出了柱的极限位移角限值。研究结果表明:型钢混凝土柱主要发生弯剪破坏;滞回曲线大多呈梭形,滞回环较为饱满;柱位移延性系数均大于3,表现出较好的抗震性能;延性系数随轴拉比和偏心距的增大有所下降,但随剪跨比的增大而增大;柱极限位移角均值大约为1/10,表现出较强的位移变形能力。 In order to study the seismic behavior of steel reinforced concrete(SRC)columns under combined forces of tension-bendingshear,13 specimens were tested under low cycle cyclic loading.The failure patterns of SRC columns were observed,the hysteretic curve and ductility characteristics of SRC columns were studied.The influence of shear-span ratio,axial ratio and eccentricity on the ductility of the column was analyzed,and the limit value of the ultimate displacement angle of the column was given.The results show that the shear-bending failure is the main failure pattern of steel reinforced concrete(SRC)columns,the load-dispalcement hysteretic loops of most specimens are in plump spindle-shape,the displacement ductility coefficient of the columns is more than 3,which shows the good seismic performance.The ductility coefficient decreases with the increase of axial ratio and eccentricity,but increases with the increase of shear-span ratio.The ultimate displacement angle of column is about 1/10,showing the good lateral deformation capacity.
作者 张鹏 李真真 邓宇 孙仁中 ZHANG Peng;LI Zhenzhen;DENG Yu;SUN Renzhong(School of Civil Engineering and Architecture,Guangxi University of Science and Technology,Liuzhou 545006,China)
出处 《混凝土》 CAS 北大核心 2021年第3期48-53,58,共7页 Concrete
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51768008) 中国博士后科学基金项目(2017M613273XB) 广西自然科学基金项目(2015GXNSFAA139263) 柳州市科学研究与技术开发计划(2017BC40202) 广西科技大学创新团队支持计划资助。
关键词 型钢混凝土柱 拉-弯-剪 延性 抗震性能 低周反复荷载 steel reinforced concrete column tension-bending-shear ductility seismic performance low cyclic load