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更新日期:2021-05-20     浏览次数:236

摘要从生态学的视角来看,幼儿园创设的户外游戏环境应顺应幼儿亲近自然的天性,满足幼儿充分游戏的需要,激发幼儿自主探究的兴趣。幼儿园户外游戏环境应是一个融层次性与整体性、开放性与多样性、动态性与可持续性以及互动性为一体的完整生态系统。然而,当前我国幼儿园户外游戏环境多重安全轻互动、重分区轻联系、重稳定轻变化,致使其生态学特征不甚显著。今后,我国幼儿园应努力降低其户外游戏环境的人工化,提升自然性;削弱其户外游戏环境的纯观赏化,强化体验性;消除其户外游戏环境的区隔化,建立各功能区之间及园内外之间的联系,由此不仅拓展幼儿的活动空间,为幼儿创造更多亲近自然的机会,而且真正支持幼儿的经验在不同空间的自由转换中实现迁移与生长。Creating a safe and appropriate outdoor play environment is of significance for initiating and supporting the positive interaction between children and the environment,and meeting the needs of children to get close to nature and to play fully and explore independently.From the perspective of ecology,the current outdoor play environment in kindergartens generally emphasizes safety over interaction,separation over connection,stability over change.These problems to some extent ignore the direct acquisition,continuity and growth of children’s experience.In this regard,kindergartens’outdoor play environment should be optimized by increasing naturalness,strengthening experience and establishing contact between children and environment.
作者杨恩慧Enhui Yang(Yancheng Kindergarten Teachers College,Yancheng 224000 China;College of Education,Taiwan Chengchi University,Taipei 11605 China)
机构地区盐城幼儿师范高等专科学校 台湾政治大学教育学院
出处《学前教育研究》 北大核心  2021年第4期11-18,共8页Studies in Early Childhood Education
关键词户外环境 游戏环境 自然环境 环境创设outdoor environment play environment nature environment environment creation
分类号G61 [文化科学—学前教育学]